It just makes the dopamine not as easy to access. For example, swiping between posts takes forever compared to insta or tiktok, if i go out of the app for a minute, the post i was looking at will be gone so i have to dig to find it again, and i can’t seem to select and delete multiple words so i have to delete entire sentences individually which makes me more mindful about what i’m typing. idk i just feel that this app is making me rediscover that good things are inconvenient some times and that that’s rewarding.
Dec 30, 2024

Comments (12)

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Convenience isn't always a good thing. It makes it very easy to be on autopilot, take things for granted, and not live in the moment.
Dec 30, 2024
pi.fyi is the geocities of the mid 2020's
Dec 30, 2024
Yeah it feels like old internet when Some things were just made by a person in their basement. Like a cat fan site or something
Dec 30, 2024
foxbuns that’s because it was 😌
Dec 30, 2024
tyler Well I don't have anything like this in my basement
Dec 30, 2024
lmao we do need to make it faster ... in 2025 PI will be less laggy. focus has been more on content and new features, but need to switch gears a bit to make it faster
Dec 30, 2024
tyler on desktop it seems to of improved thanks a lot for it.
Dec 30, 2024
tyler typical startup solutionism... at least hire a summer intern at $80k to build an extensions API so we can make the site slow again
Dec 30, 2024
omg yoire so right! psychologically this is what we need in this generation of instant gratification
Dec 30, 2024
petition for 20 seconds of dial-up modem sounds before login
Dec 30, 2024
Agreed! Instead of seeing the lag as "ugh hurry up," it's more of a "maybe it's time for me to put my phone down and do something else." The slowness of it all kind of calms my brain down rather than overwhelming it with a new piece of content every 3 seconds.
Dec 30, 2024
Ha This Is Awesome Whole New Perspective.
Dec 30, 2024

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i don’t want to add multiple photos because i love how simple and light the feed is and i’d hate to see it turn into another overwhelming social media space, i also like the fact that i can’t see numbers on here, no one is bragging about their followers number or waiting for someone to follow them back because there’s nothing to track that with.. i love everything on here except for how slow it is to respond most of the time but it’s not that big of a deal i feel like we really need to slow down and stop excessively scrolling
Jan 16, 2025
i open it, wait for it to load (delayed gratification), swipe the top refs, like them, check out the accounts their from, might follow, see what the people i follow are posting, search up new music or something random (all on my own accord, no algorithm, no doomscrolling) find something actually cool that i bookmark/add to a list to check out (which i do check out), either leave the app satisfied or make a silly little post and then leave the app with no urge to keep scrolling or looking, happy with my time spent
Feb 10, 2025
i’m definitely not the first person here to make a rec about this, but my tired brain is truly rejoicing. i have a very hard time completely leaving it since i communicate and share creative work through the app, but i think i’ve decided i will only be on it once a week or when i need/want to post. that’s all. as an already anxious person, seeing the same anxiety-inducing general information (as in something i could easily find on google or a news app) be reposted by 20+ people on their stories has become HELL, especially these last few weeks. not only that, but the constant push of personal opinions about such matters (even if i agree with them) just seems to warp your perception of people. maybe i’m just a wimp, but i don’t think humans were meant to see each other in such a way; we’re not so flashy and impulsive face to face. add the endless scrolling onto that, and it’s downright exhausting and kills productivity. there is so much more dimension and depth to humans and life than what is said or done or seen through this screen. can we please go back to flip phones?
Jan 31, 2025

Top Recs from @alyssaearthangel

Just saying yes to everything and going for it under the guide that this is my one year experiment with no repercussions to see how my life will change when I actually do the things I want to.
Dec 30, 2024
My all time greats. So funny, heartwarming, and quirky. The jokes don’t feel tired to me as many other comedies do. Enough character development and drama to where you really feel invested, but still light-hearted and enjoyable. I find that so much media nowadays is incredibly profound and interesting, but just so damn depressing or uncomfortable that it’s hard to watch. I’m not usually a tv watcher because of this, but these are all hits for me.
Dec 30, 2024
i’ve spent most of my life searching for romantic love and thinking something was wrong with me because i never got it. i prayed even though i’m not religious, i had a box filled with manifestations of the “perfect” guy under my pillow, i tried to go after guys i knew were meh because i thought u could make the love blossom, i did honey jar spells, i changed the way i looked, the way i spoke, my interests, i did EVERYTHING. this all resulted in a slew of horrendous situationships that tore down my self-esteem. after these, i definitely worked on myself and became much more confident and sure of myself, but still thought that a relationship would be the thing to make me truly happy. at 20, i had my first real boyfriend and he was “perfect”, or at least everything i thought i had ever wanted. he was attractive, tried to pay for everything, planned the most thoughtful dates, went out of his way to see me, was incredibly intelligent, kind, loyal, hardworking, took care of me when i was sick, and even respected the fact that i’m entirely celibate (like what 20 y/o guy is ok w that??). i ended up breaking up with him after a few months because i realized that a relationship was not what i actually wanted or needed, it was just what i thought about 24/7. not saying this is you, but the steps i took after our breakup might help with your situation. diversify and expand your sources of happiness/love as no one source will make you feel truly fulfilled. i started by doing 4 things: something that expanded my mind, something that earned me money, something that fulfilled me creatively, and something that fed me spiritually. for me this was college classes, a job at a restaurant, painting, hanging out with the people that i love more often, and joining a bunch of clubs at my school. i think our society places so much emphasis on romantic love, but other types, especially the love i receive from my friends has been the most unconditional and satiating. lastly, (again not saying this is you, it’s just a common reality) expecting one person to satisfy all of your need for love is not only dangerous for you (if they leave, you’ll be crushed) but also unfair to them. maybe i‘m just yapping to yap, but i hope this was helpful.