1) THIS IS HOW TOMORROW MOVES- Beabadoobee 2) SUBMARINE - The Marias 3) SOFIA VALDES- Sofia Valdes 4) SUGAR WATER- Maude Latour 5) PEE - Devon Again 6) TWO STAR & THE DREAM POLICE- MK.Gee 7) BRAT- Charli XCX 8) ETERNAL SUNSHINE- Ariana Grande 9) SHADOWS AND LIGHT- Joni Mitchell 10) ELLIPSE - Imogene Heap
Jan 1, 2025

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My friend today asked me an amazing question. He said, “Do you think the avoidance thing is specific to our generation or LA specific? Like is someone in Arkansas thinking about anxiety?” Obviously yes someone in Arkansas is thinking of anxiety haha but it made me really think. Our generation is HORRIBLE (me included) at facing shit and taking accountability. It’s all masked underneath this ”therapy talk” shit. Hear me out. Let’s say you have a friend and you’re feeling conflict/tension with them. After a few weeks of them being mean, you confront them about it. They’re passive and not addressing their actions. We would INSTANTLY write them off as “AVOIDANT” versus “A friend who’s hurting me by being shitty even if they don’t intend to.” And yes, that friend is being “avoidant”. But, that’s a simple write off for behavior. Behavior has been so quickly written off to fit into this Therapy Talk. Here’s another example: A girl who really likes someone is attaching to them quickly because she’s excited to get to know them and is having so much fun, she’s moving faster than usually and trying to rush commitment. Society would consider her “Anxiously attached” versus “This girl is really into this person and it’s shifting her choices and actions.“ I think what i’m getting at is, it seems dismissive and avoidant to just simplify these big feelings and actions into these terms when in reality, yes the terms are true. But, we should probably be making space to really talk and express in full detail a persons actions including our own, and get to the bottom of it. The categories can be apart of the larger narrative, but they arent the full reasoning. I hope this made sense lol
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