last Saturday, I attended an event that I didn't plan on making content at. I had a great time at the pop-up but I took very little pictures and videos. I only had one plan- to enjoy myself. I have not had any intention to create any content while on my vacation. the constant pressure to push out is not what I want to have overbearing me as I grow older. On this particular day though, I promised myself that if I made something, it would be in hopes that I would make it for funsies. And the 13-second video I put out got me the most views I have ever received. This post does not mean that you should not take your vacation time seriously, but that if you are feeling reluctant to make a silly little post because you also fear external judgment like I do, then just do it. The outcome could be greater than you had imagined. what a ramble.
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Jan 3, 2025

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current listen: dancing by Tru Tones this is my first post on here and that's fun. I'm just gonna say it: I have been home for about 11 days, and I feel as though I have been here for much longer. Not in a bad way. just that time moves so low when it's extremely sticky outside (it's 87 degrees in Tanzania). I have always been okay with being alone. But I also notice that when I hang out with my friends, I feel as though I might not be as much fun as everyone else while I am here. I don't club, but I love going to clubs (I shazam songs and like concerts). I don't drink for religious reasons. But when I think of how I want to go out to some places, I think, "Why not just do it alone"? But I am yet to do them. Idk. Anyway, maybe I will discover more of myself in the future. I thought I'd have figured out some aspect of myself at this age (24). but what I do know is that I will make sure I try some things on my own. for sure. here's to doing something different for myself!
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