the world is turning yet i remain i remain as i always have for i am pieces of myself, searching for the whole i am growing too big for my own skin twisting and turning breaking and bending myself in the process of it all accepting a change that doesn't yet know who i am -moncherimaggot
Jan 4, 2025

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i toss and i turn with the pillow staying put, welcoming a new wave of anxiety with each movement 2:18 on the clock and the fan adds more momentum to my unattainable thoughts buried in the need to see, and learn the unknown yet, i lay on the surface as a parched rock in the middle of my favorite beach, reeking of the current simplicities of life though its surely a blessing in disguise which i might recall five years from now standing by, holding onto my innocence, waiting to believe in a miracle or see a comet pass by in the dark night sky
Mar 1, 2025
there are things i think are weirdĀ  but itā€™s not that they are actuallyĀ  weirdĀ  itā€™s that they are unusualĀ  or they bring me a new perspective ā€” one that iā€™m not so used to ā€” like seeing an orange tractor on the side of the roadĀ  surrounded by three men in orangeĀ  construction suitsĀ  in the middle of the french countrysideĀ  or the fact thatĀ  at the beach yesterday, the foggy glimpse of land, the island we could see in the distance was the british island of jersey. it made me think about how the world is really so smallĀ  and that we, humans, are the onesĀ  that make it seem so big andĀ  vast.Ā  we are the ones that over complicate over think over populateĀ  over build over useĀ  over dignify ourselvesĀ  when we are just merely visitors in this never ending universe. and somehow, in someĀ  situations that idea isĀ  safety andĀ  comfort. itā€™s refreshingĀ  to know that as messy and as complicatedĀ  our lives are, none of itĀ  actually matters. because if nothing matters, we can get away with a lot. we can be mean andĀ  crazy and stupidĀ  and in loveĀ  and happy and hungry for more and sadĀ  and lively and alone.Ā  but then i remember that ā€œwe are not a drop in the ocean we are the ocean in a dropā€ and we donā€™t have to pretend that ourĀ  emotions are meaninglessĀ  and that our lives arenā€™t meant to be livedĀ  and we arenā€™t meant to be thought about andĀ  cared for and loved.Ā  the things we feel are real and they hurt. they are painful.Ā  they are beautiful.Ā  they stay and they pass.Ā  just like the fog that covers up jersey ā€” just like the tractor on the side of the road ā€” just like us.
Jan 4, 2025
- happy snowstorm to those experiencing it. over time iā€™ve been quite used to my environment changing around me. i know with how much control iā€™ve exhibited that it hasnā€™t been a case of myself lacking control or my *will* being meaningless, but rather the way i wake up. - in the past few months, i shut myself off in attempts to minimize whatever i was feeling. iā€™m still guilty of it but, looking at pictures of myself before i turned out this way makes me see that even if i canā€™t see how my behaviorā€™s changed, i can see the physical. this is a very stupid and literal reference, but ā€œchangesā€ by david bowie goes as such: / Ch-ch-changes, just gonna have to be a different man Time may change me But I canā€™t trace time / time will change us. no matter what, but our efforts will amount to something if we try imitating its grip! facing it first, (grimly) succumbing to time could be what makes us change. thereā€™s times where my change isnā€™t my priority. iā€™m guilty of wondering how other people think of me now, when i will never be able to know such ā€œhowsā€. i get scared, terrified of how someone else may have changed, and like with how the physical changes are the most obvious, the aspect that sets in the most fear for me is seeing how people physically change. itā€™s an odd feeling. you meet who youā€™re going to be in the future, in each fleeting moment, but once that isnā€™t in your control, and youā€™re facing what you canā€™t lie about, you canā€™t stop how your environment changes. people look different, their perceptions of you change. all you can do is think what you could do differently, or accept everything. accept who youā€™re going to be and everything youā€™re not.
Jan 19, 2025

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