This one isn’t super weird, but the architecture always stuck with me. It’s from my hometown, and one of the few buildings I remember from growing up there. I’m not even religious. 📍Catedral Divino Espírito Santo
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Not religious myself, but I’m a big fan of the architecture and quiet gardens surrounding it. The chapel itself was closed when I visited, and the glass walls acted as an uncanny barrier between myself and what seemed a space frozen in time—both separate and joined to the world outside of it. — Frank Loyd Wright Jr.‘s glass walled chapel, enshrouded by trees and flowers. Photo shot on Kodak Retina Reflex.
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Happy Wednesday! In honor of recently watching The Brutalist (highly recommend) I wanted to share my favorite brutalist building with ya’ll! This is the Church of the Light built by Tadao Ando just outside Osaka in 1999. The material choice and size of the space creates this insanely ethereal feeling as the light spills in from the window.. My favorite part of this building is how simple yet impactful it is, and I recently did a project in school experimenting with light like Ando did!
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try find some small religious building (church, mosque, whatever's most important to the place) thats still in use and have an explore. so much cool history and interesting art expression on a closer scale than insane cathedrals or other proper Sightseeing destinations. (no knock to those though, big up the sagrada familia 💪) sometimes they'll have little information booklets or a leaflet, and theres just something really sick about checking out a place that's stuck around for so long with so much continuity.
Jan 27, 2024

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I really hate when people say “you should watch this, it’s so good”. Maybe it’s my natural oppositional defiance at play, but any time something gets hyped up, I want nothing to do with it. So I just finished watching Challengers, and yeah. It lives up to the hype. But I’m glad I came to that conclusion in my own terms, makes it easier to see a piece of work for what it is, without the influence of too many opinions.
Is when someone sends you a song they think you would like and they actually get it right, and then it goes into heavy rotation, and every time you listen to it, it makes you think about how they were thinking about you, and it’s like a tiny little love letter from the universe, letting you know that in one split second in time, you were in someone’s thoughts