I feel like it gives you clarity. For example, I just watched Dunkirk, albeit on a plane, and I thought it was awful. Just the most boring, dull, dimensionless, dialogue-less, character-less (like we know nothing about the characters or their backstory, so why even care? They're all just cheap stale tropes) movie. After we landed, I checked online to see what people actually thought of it and was absolutely blown away to see it receive such high ratings and have so many people claiming it was the best nolan movie ever - and I like a lot of nolan's stuff, so I'm not just a hater.
Anyway, I think part of it is just me getting old, but I like how the distance of not immediately consuming a piece of art can help you avoid getting swept up in the opinions of others - or I suppose it could also have the opposite effect and lead to your taste being completely tainted by the opinions of others. So the other key is to not have a good memory (conveniently a byproduct of getting older), that way you don't remember the opinions of others by the time you finally get around to watching it.