Iā€™ve been thinking about this a lot regarding my plan to purge/organize my home, because the way I used to do projects like this just doesnā€™t work anymore. I can no longer wait until I have the energy, then do as much as I can in one go. I do not have the gift of uninterrupted time anymore. Instead, Iā€™ve had to adjust to a more slow and steady way of working. I choose *one* space to work on each day. Often times it ends up being one drawer, or corner, or step in the process. Logically this is great and the best way to meet my goals. Mentally/emotionally I kid of hate it because itā€™s not how Iā€™ve worked for my entire life. I have big ideas and want to do them right now!!!! But, when is growth or change ever without a bit of uncomfortability or pain? So, I am actively changing my mindset. I speak positively to myself about the one small thing I did that day. I share that one small thing with my husband and friends. Because in actuality if it was so easy for me to do, I wouldā€™ve done it before. So my effort deserves some recognition!! Positive reinforcement, even when itā€™s to our own selves, can carry us a long way šŸ«¶
Jan 13, 2025

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Honestly so true! And I think that can even apply to things like work, academics and just life in general. As time passes, our routine changes and what once made sense to be our main goal may now have shifted, so it's important to always keep an open mind
Jan 14, 2025
i think it's hard to implement the positive reinforcement when that comes at the cost of convenience! and with a goal like decluttering, convenience is arugably the goalā€“ so, kudos for powering through the dissatisfaction & embracing what allows you to actually STICK with the process that works for you.
Jan 13, 2025
we crave consistency, but we must embrace the context with flexibility
Jan 13, 2025

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Iā€™m tired of jumping through hoops and reframing my mounting dread everyday as ā€˜an opportunity to make a changeā€˜. Iā€™m tired of thinking that only if I tried harder, or was better or did something different that I would have a better outcome. At what point do you stop trying to jam the same puzzle piece in the same spot and say, ā€œHmm maybe this doesnā€™t fit!ā€ Am I quitting trying to be an ever optimizing and improving version of myself? Maybe. OR have I successfully gotten what I wanted out of this experience and can peacefully move on without remorse? I think in 2025 Iā€™m going to start choosing the latter.
Dec 18, 2024
Thereā€™s a term I learned that I have found very useful- insight junkies. It is when a person in therapy seeks more and more insight, but never actually heals or transforms any of it. This can be kind of an issue is straight talk therapy- okay weā€™ve identified the issue, now what? When you clean out a wound, you need to stop messing with it in order for it to heal. It needs to have some air to breathe. Thatā€™s never going to happen if you keep picking at it. Try things on. Get playful. Make mistakes. TAKE ACTION! Change is not supposed to be easy or comfortable, but that doesnā€™t mean it canā€™t also be fun and exciting.
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This has become the norm and every day I grow more disturbed. I understand if somebody is behaving in a harmful way, that is good to document and put out there. But as a whole, it seems, we have become so comfortable with recording people just living their lives. I saw a video of a guy working and the caption of the video was that he was so hot, we needed to find him!!! Why are you providing the Internet with his face and location instead of just going up to talk to him? I saw another of two people on the subway, seemingly a couple, having a very emotional moment. How would you feel if you open up an app and saw a video like that of yourself? I donā€™t like this level of sibling society surveillance. Why are you videoing an elderly person with sad music dubbed over it to gain likes? It is WEIRD. Donā€™t even get me started on videos of children. It is WEIRD to use a stranger without their consent to get some kind of fake validation. Get a life. I donā€™t mean to come on here and share something so negative, I just donā€™t have anywhere else to put it and itā€™s gnawing at me.
Oct 7, 2024
Itā€™s to keep us humble otherwise weā€™d be TOO hot/sexy/cool
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