learning history from all around the earth has taught me that we as humans are adaptable. through horrors natural and manmade, we’ve made it through and evolved as a species. and i think we’ll just continue doing so. it’s a slow and easy to derail process, but in hundreds of years whatever is left of us now will just be more proof of our evolvement. for me personally, it makes me feel small and random, but i really don’t mind that. something about how we’re all technically small and random in the grand scheme of things and we’re alllll just trying to make sense of the world makes me feel at ease and hopeful we’ll figure it out
Jan 14, 2025

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On a scientific level : The chance of you being you (your unique genetic makeup) from just one conception is estimated at 1 in 70 trillion, which is translated to 0.0000000000014286%. This information by itself gives me hope that I was put on this earth for something BIG (for me). On a religious level (a side of myself that i keep to me only because it's my personal spiritual journey) : In my religion, they say before we get born, God shows us our whole path in this life and we chose to either accept it and live it as seen or not, so for me honestly this information gives me hope on a daily basis, to know that i chose this life with all its bad and good moments means i saw something that i will eventually be thankful for. On a day to day level : Humans do give me hope in different shapes : - Watching people being with animals is hope - Watching parents being gentle with their babies is hope - Watching people work hard to rescue animals is hope - To see people manifest for a human cause in public is hope - The warm sunlight is hope - Working Hard thinking about the future is hope - Doctors who volunteer in rural areas is hope With the right mindset i think everything can be and is HOPE, even the sad parts like crying to sleep over something, because if you think about it the fact that you care that much to the point it makes you sad is a form of hope because you have feelings.
Jan 14, 2025

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