General hell yeah to the previous recs. I mentioned The War of Art earlier today and it addresses specifically this question, if you feel reading a book would help.
I'm a creature of habit so having a routine is vital for me. An hour or two right after work is my create time everyday. I do my best to eliminate distraction by writing drafts out by hand or typing on my ipad mini + portable keyboard combo. And you need to get to a place where you can accept that unproductive create time is not wasted time. Staring into the middle distance is vital to the creative process.
Reduce friction so you can't make excuses to not create! That means keeping that camera on you AT ALL TIMES. Keep pen and paper on you AT ALL TIMES. Whatever you need for your project it needs to be with you or easily accessible otherwise you won't make space for it.
And feed your brain. Read, watch, listen, play, and experience as much as you can.