my apartment has a bit of a c*ckroach problem that maintenance is not very proactive about. i hate those sumbitches so much. it feels like my home is being invaded every time one of them crawls out from under the fridge.
i employed raid spray on one such invader for the first time the other day and while iām not typically someone with a proclivity for the morbid, i loved watching that creepy crawly critter die immediately. i didnāt have to catch it, i didnāt have to smoosh it, i just sprayed, *carrie bradshaw voice* AND JUST LIKE THAT, it went from insect to extinct. i was tempted to stake its head on a toothpick and place it in front of my door to warn other aspiring intruders like they did in the middle ages, but iām hoping the smell of the spray will ward them off.