I've been trying the pomodoro technique to get started on a task. it helps if the task can be accomplished without computers e.g. paper, pencil, and a real kitchen timer. I set the timer for 25 minutes, and pledge to only do that task for that time. usually, once the time is up I'm in the flow state and I keep going until the task is complete. helps me a lot!
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Jan 18, 2025

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ooh yes this is the technique i’ve been using for over 2 years now but for some reason i’ve regressed and barely make it past the 20 min mark even if my reading/ note making is compelling. aaaaa i want back my teen brain for its focusing ability
Jan 18, 2025

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Defining time blocks for certain activities has helped me get through tasks I tend to procrastinate. Not responding to texts? Just set 25 minutes to do it and see it´s actually not that bad.
Sep 2, 2024
Well I feel the same, but for me what is working this days is to set a mental timer for it, I'll say "For the next 30 minutes I'll focouse all on this" and it does not mean I will finish it but at least I worked a bit on it and feel less anxious about the progress, little by little you will finish it!
Feb 6, 2025
Not only carving out specific times for your tasks but also! ----- (!And this was a game changer for me!) ------ set a stopwatch each time you get distracted and stop it when you resume working - try to get that number smaller and smaller as you work throughout the day!
Feb 13, 2024

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I had gotten this american made LL Bean barn jacket after years of looking for one. it's blanket lined, so I love it for early spring and late winter gardening, but I have needed to mend it for a long time. this weekend I went to a very cute mending workshop with friends, and it gave me the confidence to give mending the cuff of this jacket a shot. it's definitely messy, but wow, I feel so good having some something I've been meaning to take care of for so long.
Jan 20, 2025