I watch other stuff but recently I haven't had the urge to watch as many long videos since I've been reading a lot more so that's all I got lmao some ASMR channels I love and reccomend: - Kendi Ken ASMR - Celaine's ASMR - Isa ASMR - Cammy ASMR - Jace's ASMR - daisychainlizzy - pipes ASMR - Superfly - Zeneia's ASMR - Zhunya ASMR - Whispering Willow ASMR - Angel on my shoulder ASMR

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ASMR: Latte ASMR, Shhheila ASMR, and GoodnightMoon Otherwise: RABSoPetty, Marley Bloodrose, whatever youtube recommends that looks cool lol
Jan 21, 2025
I have a very specific list of YouTube channels that calm my mindbodysoul. I was going to recommend just one but then realized it's not enough - because they all do something very special. First one is Liziqi. My friend Jon Baken showed me her channel years ago, the only way we were able to find her was by searching "Plum Chinese" - IDK why but now it's much easier (search "Liziqi" lol). Either way, she's a beautiful Chinese princess (not really, but basically) that lives in rural China with her grandma (allegedly). Each episode she takes - usually like a fruit or vegetable that's in season - and makes a bunch of things from scratch using that main ingredient. The sounds are calming (chopping wood, puppies barking, wind), it's shot really beautifully and her skills are honestly really impressive. It's like girls and gay guy football...every time I have shared it, anytime she does something we scream. People doubt the authenticity of it - but I prefer not to. Then there is SteveMRE1989 who is the coolest dude with the most swag on all of YouTube. He is obsessed with eating MREs from like any decade and country basically. His voice is so soothing and I love how he describes every part of the ration, sparing no detail, his way of saying "Nice." I especially love when he gets cigarettes from like a WW1 MRE and smokes them on camera. He's the fucking best. Last but not least is MadSeasonShow who is a guy who plays WoW. He has hour-long videos on the history of WoW and other stuff like that. His voice is literally the best and he is most often the channel I choose to fall asleep to because the videos also have really nice medieval elevator slow jams (hope that makes sense) in the background. He sometimes streams on Twitch as well and that's always a treat, the way he says "Doritos" is mad cool. I think he's from Canada or the midwest somewhere. To make it easy for you all I made a little playlist of some of their vids to get you started that's linked above. Sweet dreams!
Nov 16, 2021
As someone who works in food media, I watch a lot of cooking videos. As much as I love instructional videos with charming hosts, that's not what I watch to chill my brain out. Instead, and because I am obsessed with food, I watch quiet cooking videos on YouTube that one might even call cooking ASMR. They generally show someone cooking a dish with little to no background music or narration; instead, you see beautiful food and hear pleasant sizzle sounds or the gentle scraping of a wooden spoon. My favorite channels are 꿀키honeykki and yedy101, whose delightfully cross-eyed cat usually makes an appearance in the background.

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"yap" about the things that interest you all you want; enjoy your hobbies and pour your heart into them, stop worrying about if what you're into is "cringe"; if your friends don't like your hobbies/interests and put you down for enjoying them, find people that will; surround yourself with people you love who love you back and you will be so much happier than the people that are so quick to put others down for pursuing their happiness