even platonically, falling in love is one of the most beautiful things about life. more specifically, loving people- the way your friends do something thatā€™s so characteristically themselves, and you canā€™t help but get up and throw your arms around them and think, maybe youā€™re the best thing thatā€™s ever happened to me. the way your mother smiles and the weird little color offset in her eyes catch the light so right, and then she tells a funny joke and it catches you so off guard that you spit your water out. the way that boy in the hallway smiled at you when you started geeking about the band on your shirt. i love to love people. i love to love all of the little things that make people unique. i love to imagine that our paths cross in every universe. ā€œi am a mosaic of everyone i have ever met in this lifetime.ā€
Jan 24, 2025

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