I just tried pillow soft and jelly soft curls together and I really like them! I'll have to see how it holds up and if I have to add more product if it makes my hair kinda greasy (I have low-ish porosity hair so I have to be careful with layering too much after wash day). so far they're an 8/10 for my low-ish porosity, 2c-3a curls!
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Comments (2)

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omg this is serendipitous today i was looking at curl products and saw this and was like hm sounds too good to be true and we have a similar hair type !!
Jan 26, 2025
marxinista yesss for sure try them!! I had a similar thing happen where I saw it with my cousins hair products then I saw it in the store later and took the sign and I'm so glad I did. the cast was strong and came out really easily and I didn't lose a bunch of hold, so for right now I don't think it's too good to be true lol
Jan 26, 2025

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it's a hairstyling cream that saved my life. the texture is light and it doesn't make my hair crunchy like a gel. my hair is a 2c/3a and gets frizzy really easily. this cream completely gets rid of it. i wet my hair to make it damp, add a good amount of this (my hair is thick too so the amount you use is smth to experiment with) and my hair doesn't frizz nearly all day. sometimes i reapply it by bringing a small container from dollar tree with it, but if i use enough in the morning it doesnt need to be reapplied. i also use Carol's Daughter leave-in conditioner. i spray it everyday and it's made my hair so much softer. my hair is really dry and leave-in conditioner was a game changer.
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-after the shower aunt jackie’s curl la la -(any light mousse i can get a hold of) on my roots -rizos curls light hold gel ( love thisss) always on the hunt for new products tho
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I have loose curly hair and there's nothing worse than it frizzing out and getting poofy post shower/shampoo. Leave your hair wet after washing and run this through the curls. After it air dries you'll be getting compliments on your amazing sultry locks that somehow still feel silky. This is the answer to all your problems.
Dec 11, 2023

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