it's something small but valuable in a time of digital censorship. use your judgment when looking at your news sources to find proper ones and keep a journal of the things happening in the country, whether it's big or small. I've been saving images and videos of things that I think will be suppressed and trying to keep a record of what's happening in case the information control gets even crazier in the future something else I've been doing is downloading any (public domain) books I've been meaning to read (especially leftist theory) off of project gutenberg or the internet archive in case those sites get shut down. also paying attention but trying to stay as calm as you can because they're trying overwhelm us and make us check out, which we can't afford to do right now. build community with the people around you, organize if you can, do mutual aid, start a garden, just to name a few more. there's so many ways to fight fascism, big and small

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Despair and anger feed the monsters I do recommend scrolling through news headlines every day so you have an idea of what’s happening (I use NY Times and Al Jazeera mostly), but you have no obligation to be an expert. If you can volunteer in your community (anything helpful, doesn’t have to be political), that would be awesome.
Jan 22, 2025
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I'm so incredibly scared for the fascism rising in the US (and other parts of the world). The tiktok ban was a first step to censorship, censoring information that everyday Americans rely on for various things (like 🍉🍉🍉, the L.A Wildfires, even the holocaust) and banning basically the only third spaces that exist in the US. Trump bringing it back is NOT GOOD. He is manipulating all of you, especially younger folk that's using social media, spreading propaganda, to make him seem like a good guy. HE IS NOT A GOOD GUY, HE IS A FASCIST. ALONG WITH HIS FRIENDS, LIKE MUSK ‼️‼️ Please please please realise: they are trying to separate us. It's US vs. THEM ‼️‼️‼️ not RIGHT vs. LEFT ‼️‼️‼️ Help people in need, inform yourself and fact check everything. remind yourself: THE POLICE ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS ‼️‼️‼️ I found this image on instagram btw. Please don't endanger yourself or others. DON'T LET HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF.
Jan 21, 2025
There's been a numbing, sinking, unescaping feeling of dread at the pit of my stomach and the depths of my chest these days that continues to augment on the daily due to the current landscape of the world. Being in high school right now is such an experience in and of itself, I hear so much insensitive, immature, inaccurate, idiotic rhetoric, insults, and straight-up slurring left and right. Reading and any form of intellectual gain or self-actualization is immediately met with accusations of being a "nerd" or how it's some waste of time, which is influenced by the rapid consumption of social media in all of our daily lives. People in my circles are becoming radicalized and desensitized to really, really frightening ideologies that are facilitated through the lack of discernment and punishment for simply just wrong exclusionary statements that are said to attack people's integrity, race, gender, what have you. I am not hearing many positive things going on, and every insane headline I accidentally see, even when I avoid the news (not that that is the answer), is something straight out of a dystopian novel. It hasn't been a month and a week if I'm correct. Left and right, I see exclusionary, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, racist, classist, chauvanistic, and outright outdated policies and rhetoric normalized and spreading like wildfire. We tried to tell ourselves it wouldn't be this bad. It is that bad. And pray to whatever you worship that it won't get worse. But don't leave it at that. Do your part. Please do your damn part. Volunteer. Donate. Talk about it. Use your platforms. This post is not meant to catastrophize, but to shake you hard and wake you up. When tomorrow comes around, remember the plan. Please look up the "People's Union USA" for more information on the February 28th boycott, and try your hardest to do your part. We are the people, the masses they fear. We have the power.
Feb 28, 2025

Top Recs from @soulful_old_man_sunshine

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I was bullied a lot for my eye color as a kid (because me having very dark brown hair and very dark brown eyes made me look "evil", apparently) and, naturally, began to dislike them. but as I've gotten out of school and away from people who put me down, I've realized how insane it is to bully someone over their eye and hair color and grown to love the color of my eyes. I mean, they may be dark but there's nothing wrong with that. and I can take pretty pictures of my eyes too, I just have to blind myself and almost stare into the sun to do so lol
recently, when I wake up in the morning and have time to kill, I've been spending a bit of time reading before or after I get myself ready to go about the day instead of sitting on my phone when I first wake up. I feel like it helps clear my mind for the day and it feels nice to not immediately scroll when I wake up like I used to
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"yap" about the things that interest you all you want; enjoy your hobbies and pour your heart into them, stop worrying about if what you're into is "cringe"; if your friends don't like your hobbies/interests and put you down for enjoying them, find people that will; surround yourself with people you love who love you back and you will be so much happier than the people that are so quick to put others down for pursuing their happiness