I don't want to be negative, honestly, but it's really hard to find someone who is willing to show their feelings for you. Today's dating feels like a competition: whoever shows feelings first loses, and everything falls apart. I was in a relationship recently, and as a person who's not afraid to show emotions, I ended up spooking this guy away by showing him how much I truly cared about him. That experience not only taught me that dating apps and networking for relationships suck, but it also showed me that there’s something I need to change within myself. There’s something lacking that’s not attracting the "ideal person." So, my advice is to first check in with yourself and ask, "Am I the person I would like to date?" Once you let that sink in, you can focus better on the type of person you would like or someone who fits within your possibilities. It’s all about being real with yourself. If you cannot “afford” your ideal person emotionally, mentally, or otherwise, take some time off to work on yourself. I understand how the heart YEAAAARRRNS for a little smooch now and then—especially one filled with love. But we can't expect to find happiness in a relationship if we aren't the kind of person we would want to date. I hope everyone who reads this finds their "ideal" person by February 14th. <3
Jan 27, 2025

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i don’t know you so take this with a grain of salt if it doesn’t apply to you. i’ve also never had a long-term romantic relationship so maybe i’m not the best person to listen to anyway. BUT i do have a beautiful community of long-lasting friendships which i believe has given me the skills to be successful in a future romantic partnership i guess my point is it might be helpful to focus on developing friendships and community first. who knows, a date might come out of it too! but i’ve gone on dates with people who don’t have many friends before and it’s turned out to be a red flag cuz they haven't had experience with relationships in general also, i've noticed the times i've most wanted to be in a relationship are times when i haven’t connected with my friends in awhile. desire for romance can be a signal for general human connection sometimes. so having a good community might fulfill some of the needs you’re feeling too. but i know it’s a different thing than being head over heels for someone… all depends on what we’re looking for i guess all the advice on this thread is great for both dating and making friends though! i hope you find lots of meaningful connections of all kinds in the process ✨
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