my dad whom i love more than anyone on earth is in the ICU and my family hasn’t gotten regular sleep or proper diet. every day is so hard and we have to keep going? i fly back to LA to continue working but it’s so hard leaving him feeling like anything could happen… fuck capitalism fr i should b able to stay w my family without losing my job
Jan 27, 2025

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My heart goes out to you and your family, this kind of this is never easy and is generally pretty fucking terrible all around. I lost my mom in 2018 after a pretty prolonged and slow to cease battle with cancer. When she was in end-of-life care something small that helped her feel a bit better was trying to make the space as homey as possible. Lots of pictures, her favorite blanket, and a friend of hers even brought some large stuffed animals that lived on her bed. It was something small that helped in the immediate moment. I also echo everyone here saying to prepare for the grief but also prepare to sit with it for longer than you think you’ll need. I was only home for about a week after she passed before going back to school across the country, and not having my family/hometown network to grieve with really stunted and prolonged my healing process. Also a bit bleak, but my mom and I were able to have a sort of ”closing” convo where we said goodbyes, and she told me her wishes for me, etc. if you’re able, it was a really powerful conversation to have and something I hold close when I’m having a particularly hard grief day (which still happen 6 years out! All part of the process)💛
May 24, 2024
as someone else already mentioned, tell stories, jokes, things you’ve been too afraid to say or never got the chance to, small details that you love about her, her influence on you and your sister… as difficult as this time may be in the moment, i look back on my time with my dad in hospice with so much gratitude, knowing i and my family were there with him in his transition, it is such a powerful thing, but certainly not easy. Go easy on yourself and don’t be afraid to ask for support from those you can. people really do want to help you during this time, they aren’t just saying so. speak to your mom even when you think she isn’t/can’t listen. And hopefully you can find solace in the fact she will no longer be suffering and you gave her the best transition you could manage. Sending lots of love
May 24, 2024
My dad passed young. My mom and brother both passed the same week (my brother from suicide). My best friend died of cancer in 2021. After getting clean bloodwork just five weeks before. The one truism about life is that death is always near. So loss is an inevitable part of our lives on this planet. Make the most of every day. Loss may be my baggage 🧳 but it is also my salvation. If I love you, it is for real, and it is forever. ❤️ I try to always keep that thought in my heart. Where it belongs. And isn’t much like baggage at all.
Jul 18, 2024

Top Recs from @hotcheeto4bkfst

it’s the perfect cap to any meal . crispy edges, gooey center. i usually prefer fruit + cream desserts but nothing truly beats a fresh chocolate chip cookie. don’t let it be fluffy and soft, eat a muffin if that’s the texture ur looking for and leave the classic cookie out of it ! why must u play God…
Jan 26, 2025