doomscrolling through tt and stumbled with this article and decided to read it. Now I want to throw my phone away and get a blackberry or some other stupidly rudimentary electronic device😭 that allows me to actually experience THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE.
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Jan 30, 2025

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i have been on a journey to untangle my tasks from my iPhone. i'd be out in the world someplace, pull out my phone for something as menial as checking the time, or as well intentioned as capturing the moment in a pic, and immediately get sucked into texts and instagram™️ and all the virtual things happening in this tiny lil demon light box. the goal: pull my phone out of my bag ONLY for phone things. that's texting, calling, and apps that can't be replaced the solutions so far: 🕰️ i started with a watch (shoutout Casio) and i wear it every day. once I broke the habit of checking my phone for the time, I felt legitimately freed from something Major 📷 I bought a small digital camera to leave in my bag. the pics look better and I don’t get distracted by the virtual world when I'm trying to capture something in the now 📚 I bought a kindle. It fits in my jacket pocket (literally) and gives me something to do when I'm on the train or waiting for an appointment that isn't scrolling I just realized so much of the time I spent on my phone was not intentional. It was a thing I was doing in between Other intentional moments. my screen time is still several hours a day (don’t get me wrong) but I think my brain has healed at least 3%. welcoming other ideas as well💡
Sep 24, 2024
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it’s designed to be additive so don’t blame yourself, it doesn’t help. deleting instagram helped me. sometimes i go on the browser but it’s a less pleasant experience so less addictive. i redownload when i want to post and then delete again. annoying but worth it. my phone is getting old so my battery is going bad. this helps because i’m more inclined to only use my phone when i need it to keep it from dying. resist taking a charger every where you go if your phone is the same. been following this writer/artist/screen time activist (?) and she has some cool thoughts on the matter: https://augustlamm.substack.com/p/you-dont-need-a-smartphone
Jul 25, 2024

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