somebody else wrote writing fiction but i’d like to add having a diary and consistently writing in it, i’ve always said i can’t have one and it’s overrated, well i take it all back, i understand the hype and i love it so much.
This. My little page a day is saving me this year. I use it to write down other things that bring me joy like
- Golden sand piled on a barge in the bay
- a woman in a powder blue coat and matching powder blue hat looking out over blue water in under the gray blue scaffolding of the bridge
- Sarah’s mom repeating “tough and sweet” after I said “tough and sweet”
- anarchic splendor of tall buildings. No way to control what happens in here all the time.
- light sparking through the rippled glass door–a small puddle of light.
- a little girl that looks like my mom
- recognizing that the beautiful fence is close to where I often hang out but I never walk that way
- two perfect black tire tracks in the snow
And my favorite: ! A little dog did a hand stand to pee! Front paws down, butt up, pissing in the air! An acrobat!
and not skipping!!! even super drunk or super tired I have to write my diary and it’s funny to read back because my handwriting is scrawled and all over the page. i have done it consistently for over a year now. it reminds me that the days that memories blur into one mass were actually distinct and lived second by second
Sometimes all I want to do is have someone listen to me talk about it. It’s not realistic though and it’s annoying. When I write in my diary and I read it back over it feels like someone is listening
i’ve recently started writing letters to my future partner, i know it’s cringey but i have been basically single my whole life and i have a feeling i wont meet my soulmate anytime soon so id like them to also know 19 year old me.
i also think it will be really interesting for them to read them in many years and be able to link back what they were doing or going through at that time (when i wrote the letters)
on the other hand this will be a terrible idea if i remain single for the rest of my life