I worry about wasted time. Adventures, meaningful weeks, good memories, take so much effort and I often don’t have that drive. I graduated a few months ago, did nothing to celebrate, done nothing since, just slept and dove into new responsibilities. Milestones have gone by with fizzles rather than bangs. A life worth living is a life that needs making, effort, time, intention, I just need to want that
Jan 31, 2025

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i get that this could sound a bit counter intuitive buttttt hear me out. i am currently 6 days into a gap year as i've just finished high school and was thinking a lot about what i should do with my time and this was the conclusion i came to. there are so many things i think are deeply interesting but don't know anything about and i know i won't go into a career in many of those things, soooo i thought i would excercise some autonomy and do stuff that feel like "a waste of time". EG - right now i am sat in someones house in Hannover (Germany) because i'm vollunteering at a rehabilitation centre for people who have just received cochlear implants. i know that i will never go into the medical field but i just thought it was so interesting and i love people. I've done this purely out of interest. this year i'm planning on doing more of these things; painting a mural in my room, learning how to make creme brulee, going to talks and lectures, learning how to play a sitar ect. none of these have anything to do with my career at all, i just think we can get so into our jobs that we never engage in anything outside of it. be radical and do stuff just because you can!!!! write down everything you are interested in (could be anything) and explore a way you can engage in them. THINK ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE THINGS YOU LIKE BUT ARE NOT NATURALLY GOOD AT!! soz this was so waffley but i just found myself in the same position and wanted to help 💋
Jun 22, 2024
I need to work. I need to keep my mind busy with goals. Big ones, small ones, ambitions and routines, I need it all. As a kid I was always labeled uh, like smart. Or something like that. Gifted. I was a gifted child hahahahaha. I was praised for my verbose conversations, and knowledge of trivial shit from pop culture and presidential history. I didn’t have a lot of solid friends growing up, and I spent a lot of my time with adults. So, I was always pampered with “You’re gonna be ____ one day!” And that shit. I never built a work ethic. I guess it’s my fault, but I don’t know if it was internal or external. As an adult now, I feel like I have to make up for that lost time. I have to constantly work on my personal affairs, and the events I do. Or else I’ll fall into that childhood-teenage bad habit of not doing anything.
Dec 26, 2022
I allow myself to move through ny life at breakneck speed in order to get to the next “thing”— whether thats a job, life stage, relationship, goal, etc.. i have been doing this since I was 15. It wasn’t until this last summer/fall that I stopped to look around at the life I had built and fully feel everything! I enrolled in a grad program 2 years ago, at the encouragement of my partner, and this past fall I really started to see myself in this career. I feel energized by my work and research, I feel cared for by my department. I feel like a fulfilling career is awaiting me, yet I am taking the time to feel settled in my current service job and internship, careful not to rush past the mundanity and sweetness of my life now. I have everything ahead of me, truly what is my hurry?
Feb 19, 2025

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