buy the dino nuggets, they're the same price as the bag of regular chicken nuggets, just more whimsical and fun to eat

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more fun and i prefer the bigger ratio of perimeter to area. one time at the store my dad said something about how it was worth it to pay more to get the dino ones vs reg bcus they are special and i will never forget that moment in the freezer section, revisiting that sentiment helps alleviate some of my financial anxiety. so i always buy the dino ones for myself!!!
Mar 22, 2024
Get the caramel sauce that comes with the sliced apples and dip your chicken nuggets into them. Everyone thinks I’m crazy for doing this but it’s bussin
Jan 10, 2025
today there is impossible burger but twenty years ago there was morning star. i love love their plant based chicken nuggets, simply cannot be beat with a squeeze of lime and a ketchup/mayo mix on the side. it's what i had for dinner when i was five and still hits on a lazy day
Feb 1, 2024

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