I used to (and still kind of do) hate the texture of yogurt, however just forcing myself to eat it in small bites has gotten me somewhat used to it. I've been trying to have a cup of it a day and the adjustment period for the first 3 days ish was kinda rough because of bloating but since then I've been feeling pretty good and not having as many gut issues

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throw a bunch of granola and honey on it!
Feb 1, 2025

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i love yogurt, but if i eat it too fast i feel like im going to vomit one of these days i'm going to make a grave mistake who can relate
Feb 1, 2024
Been feeling like shit lately and trying to switch up the snacks. This is a fun one. Throw granola and honey in there. Fuck it
Feb 1, 2024
I have been trying to get into a routine of eating the same few meals. I am scattered and this helps…for a different recc. Every morning I eat a bowl of honey vanilla greek yogurt with blueberries, hazelnuts, chia seeds & organic maple syrup. Divine💋
Apr 2, 2024

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