it's something small but valuable in a time of digital censorship. use your judgment when looking at your news sources to find proper ones and keep a journal of the things happening in the country, whether it's big or small. I've been saving images and videos of things that I think will be suppressed and trying to keep a record of what's happening in case the information control gets even crazier in the future
something else I've been doing is downloading any (public domain) books I've been meaning to read (especially leftist theory) off of project gutenberg or the internet archive in case those sites get shut down.
also paying attention but trying to stay as calm as you can because they're trying overwhelm us and make us check out, which we can't afford to do right now. build community with the people around you, organize if you can, do mutual aid, start a garden, just to name a few more. there's so many ways to fight fascism, big and small