I don’t even remember who posted this one, but they said to get a calendar and mark off days on it, celebrate both major and minor holidays with your full chest, vocalize changes in seasons when they come, and just generally to work on your awareness of time moving. following this advice has improved my adhd and depression insanely. from 2020-2024 it hardly felt like one year had passed let alone four because i was just letting it whiz on by. that is no longer the case. it even had the bonus of helping me bond with my very jewish grandparents because i started doing a little Shabbat ritual on friday nights
Feb 6, 2025

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i’ve always felt soooo bogged down by any kind of scheduled events in my life, even if it’s something fun that i should theoretically look forward to. call it ADHD, PDA autism, idk- but to mitigate this dread i find it helpful to write everything down in an online planner (use whatever system works for you). some tips: 1. writing down every little thing enables me to see it all in one place and not worry that there’s something else i’ve forgotten about. knowing i have even just one or two things coming up can feel overwhelming but as soon as i can actually see each item in front of me, it feels a lot less daunting. 2. looking at my schedule every morning helps me mentally prepare for the day 3. i used to spend so much energy thinking about an upcoming activity for the entire day leading up to it because i didn’t want to accidentally forget about it. now, i set alarms for when i need to start preparing for an activity- that way i can put it out of my mind until i actually need to start thinking about it. i know some people feel really burdened by planners/calendars (i refused for the longest time because i like spontaneity and not feeling tied down) but just give it a try and seeee
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I put reminders into my phone for a notification of the exact time I need to remember the thing. For example, if on Friday I need to swing by the store and pick something up before work, I will put a notification into my calendar to remind me before I head out the door. If someone communicates something I need to remember later that day, or a week from now, or a month from now, I just treat myself like I won’t remember and put it in the calendar right then and there. This is really, really helpful if you have ADHD, btw. Usually I actually do remember, but there are times where I don’t and I’m glad that I have the back up reminder. I shared with a friend how I do this and she was blown away, so I thought I would share this little tip that might make your life easier!
Jan 5, 2025
I guess this is less a rec, more just what works for me. When I'm in really busy eras I have a night where I actually handmake a few months worth of calendars (like literally with a marker, and a ruler, and heavy paper). I hang them up on the wall, and I just start filling them up. When the busy-ness fades I take the months down and keep them. Also cool because you have an analog record of what you did for a while.
Feb 17, 2024

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whewww man, im so happy rn. huge weight off my chest (no pun intended)
Jan 21, 2025