In 2024, I experienced grief in all of its stages. Fundamentally it changed me - for better or worse? I’m working on that with my therapist.
I found myself listening to this song *a lot* throughout the year. Maybe it was the vulnerable and relatable lyrics mashed up with a uplifting melody, but something about the final lines…
*“It's that little souvenir of a colorful year
Which makes me smile inside”*
… always got to me. Hopeful, might be the feeling. Especially since it’s the only point in the song that she doesn’t reference it as a terrible year. To me it felt like she wanted autonomy over how she wanted her song, her story on the year to end. She defines it, rather than it defines her.
You can’t control when grief happens to you, but you can control how you decide to navigate through it. Maybe, just maybe, I could look back at my grief and let it go.