Being raised on jazz (mostly cool and modern), vocal jazz was a bit of a departure for me. If you like the soft dreamy feel of Chet Baker with an influx of whimsy and humor, check out Blossom Dearie. She’s absolutely charming and a little bit wistful!
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Feb 9, 2025

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her at ronnie scotts is one of my favorite live albums ever she's so funny
Feb 10, 2025

Related Recs

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I think jazzists will be very bothered by this take. jazz is for ordinary people by berlioz is a lovely introduction. Its pop-ey and dancey and quiet nice. if you want something a little softer and a little more classic: Chet Baker Sings is a sweet place to start. The songs used in kids on the slope has like a lot of the trad "must listen" songs that are both great and still pretty pop forward. it showcases the early genre well.
Apr 21, 2024
specifically two records: chet baker sings and baby breeze. such a distinctive, loving voice, sounds like he's crooning into my ears, right next to my face . . . trumpet licks are fire, it's great I had a phase where this is all I listened to, relistening to his discog has been a real treat
Apr 26, 2024
One of my high school friends recommended this album in our group chat a few days ago and I wasn't prepared for how good this is??? And it's a live album??????? A must-listen if you're into jazz fusion! Anyways listening to this feels like going on a lovely summer morning stroll with some pep in your step and the day is totally open. The sun is shining, sky's blue, a gentle and cool breeze hits just right, and you're feeling goooooooddddddd
Apr 19, 2024

Top Recs from @salad_valet

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i canceled my Spotify account over the summer and have spent the last few months rebuilding my digital music library on a refurbished iPod Touch. reading critiques of the app (and it’s enshittification), i realized i wasn’t even sure of my own musical tastes and preferences. i had stopped picking for myself, stopped seeking out new music, ceasing to know how to choose what i wanted or articulate what i like. breaking free from the algorithm has been such a joy! i’m borrowing gobs of music from the library, rebuilding my old playlists, and consuming more music than i have in years. and better yet, my data isn’t being tracked by Spotify and i own what’s in my personal library. further, my receptors are more open when i’m out in the world exposed to music, searching for recommendations in an organic way.
Jan 16, 2025
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i’ve been trying to articulate why i enjoy this space so much. yes, the UX is reminiscent of Tumblr and the early days of the internet. and there’s genuine sincerity and vulnerability on here that makes it feel really cozy and real, which i haven’t felt online in at least a decade. but i think what’s undergirding my love of this space is how anti-capitalist it feels. most of the recs everyone shares are vibe-checks, quality of life shifts, meditations and offers, music and movies, just plain good art. i don’t feel compelled to buy anything when i come here. i feel excited and pumped to be a cheerleader, find connection, find common ground. and FWIW the recs i’ve shared that have gotten the most traction are my suggestions for leading a less capitalistic / consumerist life (quitting Amazon, getting off of Spotify, building community to take care of you and your things). all of this is to say, i love it here and i love you guys.
Feb 7, 2025
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hear me out—this one might feel impossible, but i quit purchasing items on Amazon in 2018 and cancelled my GoodReads account shortly after. i did some serious reflection and realized i’d become super reliant upon, and frankly, quite used to the instant gratification of purchasing something and knowing i’d have it within a day. that’s not normal. the labor practices, economics, and environmental impacts of getting what you want from the internet delivered quickly and right to your door are skewed. i was filling a void in myself with mindless purchases. i’m aware that they service a huge swath of the internet (Amazon Web Services), own Whole Foods and Abe Books, and will likely take over more businesses we like and rely on. weaning off and avoiding entirely is very very hard, but it can also be a measured decision. that said, i know that it is a privilege to abstain from Amazon. i am able bodied, i don’t have kids, i have access to a car, i live in an urban environment with access to a lot of stuff at my fingertips. but making the choice to break out of the Amazon loop has ultimately been better for my pocketbook and better for my relationship to these mega-tech-companies that have their fingers in everything. in contrast, i’m becoming more interested in alternate economies, like bartering and sharing. i love the idea of having commonly shared tools and items (tool libraries are very cool). we don’t need to own it all, we have each other. interested in exploring more? the zine pictured below is a great start, and summarizes a much larger book by the same author on how to resist the leviathan that is Amazon.
Jan 22, 2025