I was very saddened by the passing of David Lynch recently. I was devastated by that and I recommend David Lynch in general, everything about David, his films, his cartoons, his art, his weather report, everything about him. I haven't seen his version of Dune so I'm not gonna go on the record saying I recognize that, but I did see The Elephant Man not too long ago and that film is a masterpiece. I think my favorite currently, and this changes, you know, because life is long, but I think currently the most astonishing performance I've ever seen in a movie is John Hurt as the elephant man in that movie. It's literally magic what he did. I don't know how he did it. He obviously completely covered up with the loads of makeup and prosthetics and you can barely even hear him when he talks. He's able to communicate with all of those obstacles in his way that you can't even understand how he's doing it, understanding what this person is thinking and feeling so deeply with all this hindrance to him being able to express himself. It literally moved me to tears watching that performance. I think the movie as a whole is just exquisitely beautiful, and the way Lynch photographed it. It's interesting because I think Anthony Hopkins, who's also as usual, incredible in the film, but I think he wasn't entirely sold on David lynch when he was working with him. he wished it was perhaps an older and more well- established director, because that was pretty early in David's career, I believe it's only his second feature film, so Anthony Hopkins was always like, “who is this guy?” But I think Anthony came to appreciate actually what what a fine filmmaker Mr. Lynch was.