first of all, I’m so sorry to hear abt this :( job market is absolutely shit balls insane, and to reach the finish line and be pulled out must feel super heavy.
that’s the first part. acknowledge the fact that it sucks ass, and validate how you feel. give yourself a day or two of moping, self-pity. it is so valid of you to feel frustrated or discouraged. within the sadness, give yourself grace. make sure you parent yourself with gentle self talk, buy a sweet treat or take some time to talk to loved ones, leave the house, even if you don’t feel like it.
Make sure the self pity doesn’t lapse into negative paradigms. from my own experience, what I define as ‘failure’ will trigger old voices and experiences to come back into the present moment.
understand that no matter what, no matter what the outcome, you are enough. you are on the right path, making all the right choices.
something that helps me move forward, is remembering that life is a giant current of energy. time isn’t linear, but we are, to an extent. if you have some ideas of what you want for yourself in the future, that source of energy/ desire must have something at the end of that current.
ie: the person that you are now, is built up of all the versions of you that came before you. you did that! and who’s to say that your future self right now, isn‘t beaming down on you in the same way?
I have pretty intense rejection sensitivity. listening, moving, sitting-with & releasing (crying, writing, indulging in bits of joy adjust the sadness) helps to ease into the current, rather than against it.
good luck to you on your soul/job search! this is only one hurdle, there is possibility just up ahead….