Lately I have been daydreaming about deleting Instagram, but everytime I get close to doing it, the same thing always pull me back. I emigrated to London from Spain for university in 2017 and I haven't moved back since. The feeling of missing out on the goings on back home... It hasn't gone away. Instagram has become my link to faraway friends. It's how I know when they change their hair, or get a new boyfriend, or get a dog, or break their ankle. Of course I talk to my closest friends now and then but converstaions can loose their informality when you don't see each other often. The truth is that I don't want to have a deep conversation everytime I talk to friends from back home. The obligatory "How's work? How's your partner? When are you coming back? How's your mother?". It makes me feel that everytime I reach out to one of them they feel obligated to rattle through all these questions. I want to talk about stupid stuff, stuff that doesn't matter, what your Dad said, the fight you had with your sister, that weird thing you saw the other day. On Instagram I can be a fly on the wall watching all that stupid shit they put on their story and feel like I'm still a part of their life and their a part of mine. But at the same time I know that these snippets I grab now and then are not connections of quality. Does anyone else who moved away have the same feelings about social media?
Feb 14, 2025

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I haven’t actively used it ever because something about it just makes me uncomfortable. but I did recently leave a private social media app I had been on for like eight or so years and I find that my interactions with my friends are so much more meaningful and intentional and enriching to my life now!!!
Feb 15, 2025
I feel very similarly! I made this post about how I was able to test drive deleting it, and since then i’ve really been making efforts to stay in touch more with text and calling with the people who I want to keep in touch with. also realized how many people who i’ve neglected to stay in contact with because they aren’t super active on socials who I really should have been making more efforts to stay in touch with. now that im not spending so much time absorbed in social media, I have the bandwidth to do so!
Feb 14, 2025
royallmonarch I love the idea of a test drive deletion! I might try that, thanks! :)
Feb 15, 2025
I deleted my IG last month after downloading my archive (dating back to 2011!). Before i deleted, I posted in my Story that I was quitting and asked if anyone would like to keep in touch. I wound up getting over 50 email addresses and am planning to start a little newsletter this year. It’s possible to find a way out.
Feb 14, 2025
salad_valet A newsletter is such a cute idea!
Feb 15, 2025
Yess. I have been thinking about it a lot lately but have decided to get rid of it (after I download my data and rebuild connections on other platforms), even though I made a lot of connections on there over the years for creative work. There is a part of me that thinks about missing those little updates on peoples' lives, but I feel that in the absence of that, it'll lead to deeper relationships and reasons to reach out directly to people instead.
Feb 14, 2025
theclack Yeah, I think you're right. These small connections might stand in the way of deeper ones, rather than in stead.
Feb 15, 2025

Related Recs

I need a place to archive my thoughts in a dated manner, but also not on instagram. I used to post things pretty frequently on my stories and then have a 'highlights' of the year that I could go back to look at, but now, I am not so comfortable sharing on such a commercial soul sucking platform that is data mining and surveilling and selling. I also feel like I am not, in my core, a good person. There are very few people who, when I see their success and happiness, spark genuine joy for me. For the most, I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that their life does not affect mine and that I should not let the display of their wealth of happiness, opportunity and beauty spoil the pursuit of my own. Some days, I feel so engrossed in knowing and wanting to know the updates of all the people around me. Now, I just want to shrink and disappear, I do not want people to know what I am up to and I do not want to peripherally watch others either. I want to focus on myself. I feel like I need to cut the plug on instagram with a hard delete. Maybe I will just buy myself a photo printer and print out the 'instagram' shots with their memories and make my own photobook instead. But I need to find a new way to document and archive my life.
Feb 8, 2025
Honestly deleting social media (especially instagram) has widen my capacity for new Real world things in so many ways. Being more creative, having more original ideas, honestly just more time To think!!! I think the first month was an adjustment because it was like a dopamine cleanse, lots of overthinking and feelings of intense boredom A lot of the things projected onto me I realized were not even insecurities of my own but harbored in my brain because of tiktok/instagram I did worry about having FOMO and not seeing what my friends were up to but I can also just text them and ask ??? I feel like instagram especially is a very PASSIVE and superficial way of connecting with people. I definitely feel like my social circle decreased exponentially without it but for the better 🧍‍♀️
Pintrest If you need a more direct Instagram replacement to keep doing the pictures in squares thing in a public space you can curate, pintrest is an option. It's still social media but I feel like it's less soul suckig. More for the vibes. (from Jai's post about making a personal pintrest) Send more photos in the groupchat or to your friends If it's really just the sharing photos with those you love thing. Share them with the specific people you want to see them! Be shameless, maybe you'll start a thing! Maybe you'll all share photos in the groupchat, a great way to stay in touch. Digital albums and physical scrapbook This has been my favorite but the most removed way of replacing Instagram. I like digital albums because I can add in my one photo a day or have my favorite photos of myself and be vain and have it be just for me to look through. And I like scrapbook because they help me flip through the past vibes of the time. Which are usually the two things I want from insta. And scrapbooks have the bonus of letting me include other little memerobilia, drawings, notes. In no way is this a comprehensive list, but you just got to find very specifically what aspect you are itching to keep and find the best way to actually be doing that. But the pull of Instagram attention is definitely there. As someone who used to post regularly I get it. But once you bite the bullet, you don't actually miss it as much as you think you will.
Mar 3, 2025

Top Recs from @stellawella

there is certain type of extrovert that seems to believe that if you are introverted or shy you haven't reached your full potential, like you're only a half-baked pie, waiting for someone to come "pull you out of your shell" (-_-)... i am not a flower waiting to bloom! i am not an unfinished garment! THIS IS THE DEAL! take it or leave it, don't try to shape things you don't understand into something you do. no one owes you their bared soul.
Mar 3, 2025
Nothing fills me with dread quite like the cry of "Let's play a game!" at any social gathering. Icy hatred drips down my spine at the mention of them. The yelling, the looking at me, the boredom, the rules I can't remember, the endlessness of each round, the heightened emotions... WHY CAN'T WE JUST TALK?! ESPECIALLY in a social gathering where I don't really know many people. I have seen people I love be transformed and distorted by their competitiveness into hateful screeching banshees. It's terrying. Maybe I'm too sensitive, I don't care. I don't have a competitive bone in my body. I genuinely do not understand how a board game is an acceptable space to yell at people. Being yelled at over something that couldn't possible matter less is WORSE than being yelled at for a proper reason. The worst kind of board games are the ones that involve performing. They make me want to jump out of the nearest window. I'd rather someone brought out a crack pipe than a board game at a party.
Feb 16, 2025