Nothing fills me with dread quite like the cry of "Let's play a game!" at any social gathering. Icy hatred drips down my spine at the mention of them.
The yelling, the looking at me, the boredom, the rules I can't remember, the endlessness of each round, the heightened emotions... WHY CAN'T WE JUST TALK?! ESPECIALLY in a social gathering where I don't really know many people.
I have seen people I love be transformed and distorted by their competitiveness into hateful screeching banshees. It's terrying. Maybe I'm too sensitive, I don't care. I don't have a competitive bone in my body. I genuinely do not understand how a board game is an acceptable space to yell at people. Being yelled at over something that couldn't possible matter less is WORSE than being yelled at for a proper reason.
The worst kind of board games are the ones that involve performing. They make me want to jump out of the nearest window.
I'd rather someone brought out a crack pipe than a board game at a party.