Let others have their joy!
I myself have been feeling really melancholy today, even while not being single and having plans later. But why would I ever be a buzzkill to others? It’s nice to ask what other people are up to and what they care about. Soak in the love folks…
You know that one statistic that was going around a few years ago - the one about single women being the happiest demographic? As someone who’s technically always been single, I sort of lack a metric of comparison to make that deduction myself. I kind of feel like I’m just running through with my life. Not necessarily complaining though. Anyways, keep on loving you lovers xo
Put regular household vinegar in the fabric softener slot and watch your clothes come back to life!!
fabric softeners tend to leave a film on the fibre which also contributes to deterioration.. buuut, vinegar will act as a deep cleanser and leave your clothes actually clean and soft!