Piano teacher recommended me this album. Incredible vibes -- like stereolab + fishmans + that bjork song with the harp. A ton of great tracks, I epecially like #10 Sjärna -- 7/8 meter, modal AF with a fun gong in the middle. Listening feels like running through the alps and there's hella small flowers. Puts a smile on my face. If you've got an hour, this record is worth sitting down to listen to. P.S. Please let me know if you have the mp3/flac for this!!!
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Feb 18, 2025

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It’s been so long since I‘ve woken up and felt inspired to make the day my bitch. I miss being silly, I miss feeling gratitude. I want to notice life again; feel the pulse of the earth beating alongside mine. I spend my time dulling myself on Instagram, or dreaming about my future in the mountains or ocean or California—somewhere magical where I’m happy. Be where your feet are. That’s the mantra that was grinded into me a few summers ago. Be present and you’ll be happy. Somewhat, I’ve been trying this. meditation once a week or occasional yoga. But I’m not doing enough to make a serious impact. May this post be my marker. The year is pretty much still fresh, spring is coming (hopefully), and I pledge to be more presen. I shall wake up ready to happy light and go to bed with a belly full of tea. Let the joy return!!!!!!
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IF YOU ARE YOUNG & LOOKING FOR A JOB, PLEASE CONSIDER WOKRING IN A RESTURAUNT. Pros: - The work isn't extremely difficult - Masterclass in empathy + kindness - Low barrier to entry - Infinite friends to be made - Learn more about humans + yourself - Free good food - Flexible availability Cons: - You'll have too much money - Won’t want to get a traditional job - Will feel obligated to tip at least %30 when eating out
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