Put all the songs you like on one big playlist like it’s an iPod. Hit shuffle. Don’t like a song? Hit shuffle again. I’ve got one that’s 18 hours. Not sure why it took me so long to make it. If anyone asks me to hop on the aux I just hit play and relax.
Here’s a drawing I made of an ipod
I made a playlist where I dump all my favourite artists, albums, hits, everything I’ve ever loved music-wise. I open ’er up, hit shuffle, press play - it’s like a radio station perfectly tailored to me for when I don’t need anything specific!
I mean why not just throw all the songs you like into one pot because who's got time to curate their playlists right?
Although, it can be a double-edged sword since you might have 'those' select few songs that are just not bops anymore but you can't bring yourself to get rid of em.
All in all, I think cultivating a melting pot of tunes is pretty rad and is truly a window to the disorganised soul.
Don't knock it until you try it
love adding shit to my long playlist and then months later hitting shuffle and going “what is this, i don’t even remember adding this”. always had an aversion to short playlists idk why
I’ve never been into baseball but I think this is my year. Might start saying slugger and pop fly more often, heck, might even take a trip to the field for a few innings and leave with a hot dog and a fresh jersey.
Here’s a drawing of a mouse up to bat
After about 6 months of intermittent freelancing I’m finally finding my footing in a pizza shop opening near me. Doing manual labor to help get the shop ready feels really amazing and productive. Pizza soon.