I made a playlist where I dump all my favourite artists, albums, hits, everything I’ve ever loved music-wise. I open ’er up, hit shuffle, press play - it’s like a radio station perfectly tailored to me for when I don’t need anything specific!
Put all the songs you like on one big playlist like it’s an iPod. Hit shuffle. Don’t like a song? Hit shuffle again. I’ve got one that’s 18 hours. Not sure why it took me so long to make it. If anyone asks me to hop on the aux I just hit play and relax.
Here’s a drawing I made of an ipod
I mean why not just throw all the songs you like into one pot because who's got time to curate their playlists right?
Although, it can be a double-edged sword since you might have 'those' select few songs that are just not bops anymore but you can't bring yourself to get rid of em.
All in all, I think cultivating a melting pot of tunes is pretty rad and is truly a window to the disorganised soul.
Don't knock it until you try it
This is my love language.
I’ve loved It since the days of making mix CDs, so I typically keep them to 18-20 songs. Somewhere around an hour. Playlists can be infinite now, but adding self-imposed limitations forces you to make choices and be intentional. It makes for better playlists.
Sometimes I make playlists for people based around a theme (like Fall) but other times it’s a random word or word phrase like “retro futurism.” The goal is always to find those gems that people will hear for the first time and go, “Oh man, I love that song.”
i make them with so much pickle juice and olive juice until they could potentially be confused with a salad dressing - a crush of pepper, a few drops of olive oil, im in heaven and life is so good
me & my long distance bestie have started “waffle Wednesday's” where we record a short video of ourselves talking about our week and giving various life updates - it helps us feel more connected and keeps our weeks in perspective!