don't just consider the benefits of adulthood, dream about having a full-time job, starting something new, taking care of yourself, running errands, etc. let it be something you really look forward to. it's much less scary that way
Feb 23, 2025

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hmmm i do have a good imagination ill def do that thankiies~
Feb 23, 2025

Related Recs

We spend a lot of our childhoods imagining what it would be like to be a grown up. Maybe we had an idea that we'd be married and parents by our twenties. Or maybe we didn't want that, but figured we'd be settled into jobs and adult life by our thirties, like in the shows we watched. Either way we spent years conditioning ourselves to believe that we have a very short window to have those amazing grown up adventures before we have to give them up and settle into a normal life . . . Like maybe we saw our parents or adults in our lives did. But now you're here in your twenties and nothing makes sense, not like you thought it did. And though the reality is muddled and murky in front of you, you still have that conditioning that's told you your clock is ticking. So, what can you do? Life is uncertain but you cling to what you know, which is that your young adulthood is short. Well, write down everything you want to do. As a list, as a prose poem, as a collage. Whatever. Write it all down. Count them. And then begin to do them. Check them off one by one. Don't be afraid to add to the list as the inspiration strikes you. Eventually you'll hit that birthday where you wonder what you've done in your twenties. If you didn't waste your time. Look back at the list and see all that you've done. Look at all you've yet to do. And ask yourself if all that you haven't done can't still be accomplished in the next stage of your life? Will your soul suddenly shrivel, and will your heart harden so much you no longer want to do the list? I'm betting the answers to these questions will be no. So proceed to finish, and add, and edit, and rediscover the list.
Nov 23, 2024
yesterday i went to work, after work i went to the gym, after the gym i filled my car with petrol, i then went home, made dinner, had a shower, and then tucked myself into bed. all by myself. no parent to drive me around or make me dinner. no parent to financially support me. just me going to work so i can fund my life while also trying to fit in things that will make me a functional member of society. no goodnight kiss on the forehead. just me alone, being an adult. some days don’t feel real, and it’s the days when i realise i really have grown up and now have actual responsibilities. where did the time go
Feb 18, 2025
I’m about to turn 30 and idk if my 21 year old self would approve of where I’m at—but my 6 year old self sure as hell would!! I think a lot of life is finding your way back to Little You. Being 21 is so so hard, and in college you’re first starting to see that you can’t judge your progress based on other people. Even though that’s how you were taught to judge yourself up until this point. The things you want now probably won’t matter to you in a few years, and for me that would have sounded terrifying at 21. But that doesn’t mean the things you want now aren’t important. You can think of it in terms of tattoos. If you get a tattoo at 16 it’s not because you know it will represent you always and forever—it’s to commemorate a moment, a feeling of boldness you wanted to wear proudly. And down the line you don’t look at it with regret, but a softness for that younger part of you. Feel your feelings fully in this moment! Be bold with what you care about! Every age is special. Practical advice: Try to listen to your body and not your head. Do I actually like how I feel spending time with this person? Am I going through the motions of this hobby because I think it will service something else? Does xyz come naturally to me, or does it feel forced? No action needed. This exercise isn’t about flipping your life upside down, just take notice of how your body feels in certain situations. Start to notice when you’re in fight or flight versus happy and free. Find the ease and follow it
Jan 25, 2025

Top Recs from @mindpalace

try going to a local library once a week, or a gym, a museum, a thrift store, cafe, etc. if you find you like the vibe of a certain place, hang out there and be pleasant with the employees, after a while, they will remember you and will likely chat with you this is more of a method to get used to talking to people, of course an employee is getting paid to talk to you, but in my own experience, i love taking to regulars!
Feb 24, 2025
i honestly don't know if this is a good idea or not, but when you're feeling like there's no one in the world that could possibly love you, try thinking that everyone is secretly in love with you. and the truth is, there is likely someone in your life that has/had/or will have feelings for you but might not ever tell you. think about the people in your life that you've had feelings for, but you hadn't told. and if you are like me, someone looking for love, feeling loved makes you all the more confident in finding that love, but don't listen to someone like me, i've never been in love xoxo
last night i danced for like an hour just by myself. its a great workout and the more i do it, the closer i feel to really letting loose and dancing around other people it's also the only time i feel like i can dance to just my favorite songs
Feb 24, 2025