try going to a local library once a week, or a gym, a museum, a thrift store, cafe, etc. if you find you like the vibe of a certain place, hang out there and be pleasant with the employees, after a while, they will remember you and will likely chat with you this is more of a method to get used to talking to people, of course an employee is getting paid to talk to you, but in my own experience, i love taking to regulars!
Feb 24, 2025

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Whether it's a coffees shop, a gym, or maybe some organization's events, if you're always there people will eventually notice and start reaching out to you
Nov 23, 2024
i’ve thought about this a lot and i think the easiest way to meet new people organically is to join communities or become a regular somewhere! i have yet to achieve this myself so i can’t give any significant advice but fingers crossed for both of us!!
u gotta just show up at the same places consistently. if someone sees u at a place long enough they'll either end up talking to u or u'll talk to them by virtue of just occupying the space. this can apply to almost anything so like the gym, dance classes, art studios, cafes, bars, clubs, book clubs, town hall meetings, etc personally, ive been going to the same rock climbing gym and even though i suck at it (and im really really bad at it) ive met a couple of rlly cool ppl from there. but yeah its much easier said than done, bc life can get in the way of that consistency. but if u rlly try at it i think u can meet some cool folks.
Mar 16, 2024

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don't just consider the benefits of adulthood, dream about having a full-time job, starting something new, taking care of yourself, running errands, etc. let it be something you really look forward to. it's much less scary that way
Feb 23, 2025
i honestly don't know if this is a good idea or not, but when you're feeling like there's no one in the world that could possibly love you, try thinking that everyone is secretly in love with you. and the truth is, there is likely someone in your life that has/had/or will have feelings for you but might not ever tell you. think about the people in your life that you've had feelings for, but you hadn't told. and if you are like me, someone looking for love, feeling loved makes you all the more confident in finding that love, but don't listen to someone like me, i've never been in love xoxo
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there is this strange lull between the end of winter and early spring (though, technically it is late winter) that i've never truly noticed before. the weather is getting warmer (the temperature was just perfect today, mid 60s), but everything is dead. i had a wonderful day mulling about the town, enjoying the first truly nice day of the year. but everything is still asleep, the trees, the grass, the animals. i know there is so much more to come, good and bad. i suppose what i mean to say is, bare trees are still trees, though we anticipate their growth, let's love their lack of it all the same.