I was thinking about this recently that 70/60s makeup (twiggy makeup) and hair (specifically beehives) would look killer with some 2014 tumblr clothes… just food for thought but it would be kinda cool! i’ll probably try it soon..
don’t let urself be tied down to 1 aesthetic and don’t be afraid to be messy!!! life’s messy so why shouldn’t ur style? it’s cool shit like free will that makes life cool
i’m needing to remind myself that being odd and dressing uniquely is not a bad thing. going back to university and not knowing anyone in my classes while also showing up in a full tweed suit or a tetris cardigan or a long brocade jacket is okay. don’t let the uniqueness leave you just because people give you strange looks.
be more like the girl that dresses in head to toe lolita coords every day. or the guy that came to class dressed as soulja boy for no particular reason. get weird with it!!
If your ever feeling like dang I feel lame i hate my Style. this is a good recipe to
Use to look "cool":
1. Layer your clothing
2. Piercings
3. Accessorize
4. Tattoos
5. Fuck me eyes
As someone who people pleases A LOT being blunt is like a move i charge up for years until it’s finally ready, but as i’ve tried working on being blunt, about my feelings and stuff like that im like damn this is actually so freeing
my favorite thing to do is just start over with myself, like little things : my style, my hair. I think that i find myself being tied down to things that i’ve kinda branded myself as i didn’t realize that i can change..