I know this app is still pretty small in comparison to other social media apps. However it’s important to remember that everyone here is REAL. “Dead Internet Theory” and related concepts really come into light when you use something like PI and notice that there’s no spam, no bots, no advertising, and no one clawing for likes and to be picked by the algo. THIS is the internet. This is what it’s supposed to look and feel like. I hope it lasts.
recommendation image
Feb 25, 2025

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Saw this on an insta ad. The app is a lil buggy and slow but I'm sure it will improve. The big thing going for this platform is obv the sincerity & simplicity, no advertising or clout chasing weirdos here (yet?), no people trying to steal your attention by gaming an algorithm Sometimes I see pics of people tryna look hot on insta with dumb captions underneath... this person I know went on vacation, pic of beach, move on. I might heart the post cause they're my friend and I'm socially obligated, but I don't actually like it and would really rather not feed their ego cause I know they don't deserve it This place, for now, is maybe more real and interesting. Just people writing weird shit from off the dome, maybe for themselves, maybe in hopes others will see. Keep in mind I came to this conclusion after scrolling some posts for no more than 2 mins When bereal started it was kinda casual and simple in its approach like this, but was unfortunately too interested in growing and added a bunch of unnecessary features just to become like all the apps before it. But this place is still in its infancy and it's already all that it needs to be. I just don't know if it will stay because although people say they like sincerity, they (including me) will still find ways to optimize and control their public image over time, will show less and less of their real character Thank you for creating this app, excited to see the social experiement unfold. Idk if I'll be posting on here that much. Cute retro UI. I like
Jan 30, 2025
Day 2 of being on this app and it feels refreshing. Real people asking real questions responding with genuine answers and the most awesome part no ai like wow. I could just delete all other social media apps and be here.
Jan 25, 2025
one of the worst features of many social media apps i think is the ability to see like/follow counts, because even if you don’t care about it it’s still kind of shoved in your face on those apps and definitely in the dominant/popular culture there’s this perception of follows/likes are an achievement of some kind. i really like that beyond the straightforward trending users/recs feature (which rotates pretty regularly, plus i think it still captures the fun of being like “hell yeah this post is a banger”), there isn’t any way to tell what or who is “popular” or “successful” or whatever else on this app, nor any incentive to try to be those things as a user in general i just think it leads to more natural and genuine interactions between users, because the only thing we can see about each other is our little bios, mutuals, and our recs which are the whole point of being on here anyway! so thank you to the people making this app for making pi.fyi that kind of space through features like this!!
Sep 9, 2024

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Very far away from my family and friends atm but I least I have the worlds coolest group of cool people to tell. Also I read that your brain is done growing at 25 so is this all I get? no more brain for me?
Feb 24, 2025
This might bs on purpose or something idk. I just like it
Mar 4, 2025