okay this might be a controversial take but in the right circumstances it's goated. ideally you'd say this to person you've been seeing for two weeks and you know it's not going anywhere so you cut it off but have sex before you go your separate ways. it's hot and fun and nothing matters so who cares? you might want to ask them beforehand and say something like "wouldn't it by cool if we said "i love you" during sex even if we don't mean it?" or don't say anything at all and just surprise them.
Feb 25, 2025

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Sorry to sound like some James Taylor song or the most trite dad ever. Just do it. You won't run out of "I love you's" if you do. You might even get one back (but that shouldn't be the objective). You receive the love that you put out there in the world. So start with your inner circle. Family. Friends. Significant others. Co-workers (within the boundaries of appropriateness, let's not turn this into something creepy). None of us do this enough but we'd be fools not to at least try. Right?
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not only when you have a deep conversation or they do something great for you, remember that our reception of love is equal to our familiarity with giving it to others. unlearning the process of commodifying love has been so difficult but so freeing, realizing i can care for people openly for simply being in my lives without having to feel like they must do something to earn it is so so wonderful, highly recommend
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If you love someone or something, you need to act LOVING. If you aren’t consistently loving in relationships at best they’ll go stale, at worst there will be mistreatment. That includes the relationship with yourself. Most importantly, if someone says they love you but treat you like garbage, they don’t. Be loving to yourself and leave. Incorporating this frame of mind into your thoughts and actions is life changing.
Jul 17, 2024

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perhaps i am a little bit biased, but joining my university's radio station was the best decision i have ever made. i have made so many friends and discovered music i wouldn't have found on my own. my radio station has a collection of over 35,000 CDs that we play from and there's so much cool stuff in there. call into your local radio station too! request a song or just tell the DJ you like what they're playing.
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you don't see a lot of sidewalk etiquette these days. i feel like there are unspoken rules of walking on the sidewalk. some of these rules include: -if you're walking in a group and taking up the entire sidewalk , move over when someone walks past you -walk on the right side!! -look up from your phone -they are called sideWALKs for a reason. no bikes or scooters on the sidewalk. feel free to add more and bring back sidewalk etiquette!!
Feb 25, 2025
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last week i went to my local post office to send a letter and buy some stamps. i really enjoy going to the post office, but this trip felt different. i walked into the post office. it was completely empty and dimly lit. STAR 98.9 was playing on a radio. i waited for five minutes at the counter before i was helped. during those five minutes i felt a wave a nostalgia and peace. the wooden cathedral ceiling, dim lights, and sheer outdatedness of the building made me feel light and airy. i can really explain why or how i felt this way, but i highly recommend visiting your local post office.
Feb 24, 2025