I loved how easy and nice it was to make one. I loved how I can talk about stuff that I'm hyperfixated on in this handmade mini magazines. I hope this is not just some fleeting interest because I really want to improve on drawing and writing and I would love to make more of this.
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Feb 25, 2025

Comments (2)

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One of my goals this year is to make a zine or 2 :) so happy that u found joy making this one!
Feb 25, 2025
bemmy Thank you! Even when I'm bad at drawing and writing (which I hope I can improve at this year) I still find the art of zinemaking quite enjoyable. I hope you achieve making your zines as well.
Feb 26, 2025

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I took up stained glass as a hobby a few years ago. You know those shows where people move off the grid and they have so much pride for the way they live, even though they have to shovel thru 6ft of rocks and dirt every time they want to take a shower? The closest I have gotten to that feeling is making things with my hands. it started at knitting, then shrinky dink keychains, then cricuting tote bags and t shirts, then collaging, and most recently making stained glass. I love having Bloody battled lil finger pads and holding something sharp and real up to the window that exists in space and time because I FORGED IT! In reality, I am making silly little suncatchers for my friends that Aren't all rock and roll, but it makes me feel powerful and good. Can recommend stained glass but also any hobby where you create something fun and cute for Sport
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Like the protagonists of those two pieces of media are so me in like alternated realities. I can't even.
Feb 26, 2025
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This movie is so damn disturbing showing anything horrific onscreen. Just hearing the audio from the snuff films that the characters watches sends chills up my spine. Juliette Gariepy is amazing as Kelly-Anne. You can definitely feel that something is very wrong with her even when her motives are noble. If you love serial killer/true crime movies especially movies by David Fincher, you should watch Red Rooms.
Feb 11, 2025