I just found out last night that my 2012 MacBook Pro can no longer be upgraded past iOS 11, which means I can no longer listen to Spotify on desktop because it no longer supports anything below iOS 14.
My Laptop is a relic. She got me through all of college and was my first big purchase. She holds a charge for maybe an hour and you could honestly cook an egg on her charging brick. But she and I watched YouTube videos learning about design and cinema 4D to get through tough classes. Her light up keys click-clacked all through the night when I was writing essays in the dark. The glowing apple on her back reminds me of the back tattoo I designed for myself with her when I was learning Adobe illustrator.
She also reminds me that old things can still work, and that even though they’re not the best, sometimes don’t need to be replaced.
I’m willing to make functionality sacrifices because she is not only my laptop, but a reminder of how far I’ve come through my transition from young adult to adult-adult. She keeps my lap warm and genuinely makes me happy to use.
Humans are conditioned to favor convenience, but how important is that when it’s weighed against our hardwired sentimental nature and drive to love?
In loving her I am appreciating myself in ways that I could only ever do indirectly. I am proud that she continues to work and boot up every day, just like I am of me.