I've been in a rut since October and I have been too paralysed by guilt and depression to build back up. But I'm getting there. I'm in therapy to work through things and tackle some behavioural issues. I have a bunch of concerts on the horizon that I bought tickets to when I was Really Deep In It and just needed to fill my calendar with things to look forward to, and I'm starting to feel the excitement for them. Ive been resetting my wardrobe with some thrifted/second hand shopping and i'm going to a big vintage fair in The Big City near my birthday. The cats I live with are starting to trust me and I'm starting to be a better roommate, both in terms of being sociable and contributing to chores and such. I still have a long way to go, but considering that not even three weeks ago I could barely get out of bed, this is an improvement. I'm working towards the goals I have set to better myself, and I'm doing what I can to keep myself going while I work towards being capable of doing more good. I can't do better if I never Do Anything, so I need to trust myself to do things again 🤷‍♂️
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Comments (6)

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proud of u <3
6d ago
@BEEPBOOPBAP thank you <3 slow progress is still progress!
6d ago
THIS IS INCREDIBLE. I really, really relate to what you’re saying. I’ve been on and off unwell for a few years but I feel like I’m finally coming back to life and my world is starting to feel beautiful again. I don’t want to die anymore! You’ve absolutely got this 💌
6d ago
@ARIANNALEXANDRA I'm really glad to hear that for you! It's ups and downs, and it comes and goes, but it sounds like we're both heading in the right direction <3 you've got this too!
6d ago
love to hear it! i’m proud of you for allowing all this change into your life! always remember that slow progress is nothing to be afraid of! standing still is :)
6d ago
@PTVDOM thank you! I've spent enough time wallowing in it, I'm finally ready to start getting better :)
6d ago

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Dec 4, 2024
feels very trite and toxic positivity-y but (at least for me) i think the problem is feeling pulled in too many different directions with not enough capacity / agency to make meaningful progress in any / all of them; that’s when acedia, anhedonia, et al set in the solution is to just pick one thing that’s easy, and constantly address it. then do that with another thing. maybe a bigger thing after that. and so on until you’ve re-built (or in my case, built for the first time) trust in yourself that the things you want to, need to, and are capable of doing you will / are doing throughput is really important, seeing the fruits of your labor is the only reason to keep planting seeds so you just gotta start with stuff that will gratify you enough to keep going (also for me, getting diagnosed + medicated + effective talk therapy-d were all instrumental to this realization / process if that’s something you can / want to look into)
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i began to make more intentional decisions, aligned with what I truly wanted for myself, rather than what others expect from me—whether those "others" are real people or more abstract societal expectations that i had internalized. This meant sitting down and listening to what i needed, wanted, and could give to myself. having an idea of what i want my life to look like in a few years really helps—especially if it’s got a mix of realistic and crazy aspects in it i guess my life is far from perfect, it doesn't have to be. It's all cyclical, i think. I’ve started treating myself with more compassion, which, like everything else, is a work in progress. I try to do this because guilt can be too defeating. i fuck up all the time, but i try again and again and again. And when everything feels overwhelming, I try—if I can—to step back and view my life from an observer's perspective. Detaching a bit can really help.
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There's potentially a version of reality where we never got this film. Where we either just got a Season 3 right after season 2, or where Frost's vision of a direct sequel won over Lynch's insistence on a prequel. But I cannot for the life of me imagine a version of this story without FWWM at it's centre, without it putting Larua Palmer at the beating heart of everything like it does. It is harsh and brutal and unforgiving, but it NEEDED to be a part of Twin Peaks. Who Laura Palmer was, and the tragedy of what was done to her, was always more important than the mystery angle. Season 2 of the show lost sight of that, but FWWM rightly re-centers her. A version of the film that more closely resembles The Missing Pieces might have gone over better with audiences at the time, something that has more familiar faces, more of the small-town comfort of the series. But the lack of that familiarity is a huge part of what makes the film endure in my eyes; it didn't give audiences what they wanted, but it gave the story what it needed. It reaffirms the beating heart of Twin Peaks, and expands on what Twin Peaks can, and should, be. Laura Palmer you are Everything to me