Delicious and colorful!
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Hectic in a positive way
1d ago
@CHOC_ORANGE My life In a nutshell
1d ago

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Ok picture this: - spring mix (or baby spinach) - apple - blue cheese - pecans - chicken - a dijon heavy vinaigrette Very much a banger in my book
Feb 27, 2024
Changed my flavour profile! My friend did this insanely delicious salad for lunch once-arugula, some other leafy green I can't remember now, green grapes, feta, quinoia, balsamic vinegar honey dressing (maybe?), a squeeze of lemon, and chopped nuts.
Mar 11, 2024
Summer salads are So Easy and people go crazy for anything that mixes greens and fruit. My go-tos are arugula/strawberries/blue cheese/balsamic or watermelon/basil/feta/balsamic
May 2, 2024

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Prescriptive gender is a prison. Rather than gender being a form of self-expression, gender is treated as a pass/fail test for how well you can conform to cultural expectations. Since I was young, I remember feeling a great deal of pressure to conform to these expectations around what ā€œmenā€ are meant to be. You like sports, cars, womanizing, aggression, and not having feelings. I felt so distant from this ideal. I was sensitive and shy, and I preferred spending my time being creative in some way For a long time, I felt like I was failing at ā€œbeing a man.ā€ In many ways I was! Because I didnā€™t need toĀ bea man. All I needed to be was myself. Itā€™s taken me a long time to separate myself from prescriptive gender, sharpening in on which aspects of masculine energy I identify with and which I donā€™t. Iā€™m not done yet. Maybe I will never fully be. The self continues to evolve over time, and I suspect aspects of my gender will too.