“I always thought my Grandparents were full of shit…then I turned 40”
Jul 19, 2022

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i’m lucky enough still have a grandmother in my mid 30s—which I think is an age where you’re settled enough to finally get to know your adult family members on a personal level. The generation gap definitely means I’m always on my toes when we hang out cos I can never predict what she’s gonna do, but she’s funny and wise, makes friends wherever she goes, doesn’t give af, is a mean cook, can do quiet company like no one else, and loves me to smithereens.
Dec 4, 2024
I just overheard one grandma giving the other her homemade yogurt recipe and I will be trying that!! Also some gossip about her son and his new job
Jul 17, 2024
my grandpa used to call it this and has now forever cursed me into his plot.
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Top Recs from @brontez-purnell

I didn’t start smoking until I was 34- I was on tour in Europe with my band and like, ran out of weed and started chain smoking Marlboros - it was exciting . I figured starting to smoke that late in life was ultimately a win because I needed to put the breaks on this whole life thing in the first- I think 78 is probs the most reasonable age to die at- other wise yr just gonna be stuck in a nursing home with a bunch of squares who never made life threateningly poor decisions and that doesn’t sound fun AT ALL.
Jul 19, 2022
I think we really WAY to heavily of therapy culture to soothe our emotional ow-ies and I just wish to god more you would admit that you actually LIKE feeling bad- its all you’ve ever known (or maybe I should Just speak for myself?) EITHER WAY- you therapist is SO SICK of you bitching - she probably makes fun of you to her friends while she’s drunk! And why shouldn’t she? You haven’t changed and you don’t want to- MAYBE instead of torturing your therapist you should just get a tarot reader- HEAR ME OUT- in a therapy session all you hear is the echo chamber of your bad decisions and poorly chosen company- in a tarot reading - you can bitch about all your problems and let a deck of cards decide howTo deal with them- like in scenario 2# you leave with at least a more discernible plan of action and remember the metaphor of tarot - “life comes at you as randomly as a deck of cards
Jul 19, 2022
I punch holes in them and use them as cock rings - does anyone else do that?
Jul 19, 2022