If, like me, you sometimes find it difficult to stay out until the early morning hours, partying, hosting literary salons, and maintaining a genial persona, consider foregoing Adderall and cocaine in favor of Truly Iced Tea. It has a healthy amount of caffeine in it, zero sugar, enough alcohol to get you loose but not sloppy, and can be purchased at most Duane Reade and CVS drugstores. Every flavor is good, but I especially enjoy a can of classic lemon.
Nov 16, 2022

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This is anything. Lemon juice, sure. Immunity stuff, even better. But Iā€™m mostly talking about these little bullshit individual serving size powder sticks to put in your water bottle to make it taste more exciting. They make so many iconic american flavors like Pink Starburst and Arizona Tea and Grape Skittles, but my favorite are the Gatorade ones. We travel a lot to places with limited access to our distinctly teenage taste in beverages, so wielding the ability to turn water into Gatorade is nearly biblical. Listen, my grown adult man husband really perpetuates this lifestyle but the thing I learned about being an adult is that you can do it any way you want. Like you would for a child. Or a dog. I put my dogā€™s medicine in a spoonful of peanut butter. Why would I not put my hydration in something that tastes like a late night run to a 7-11, or an icy cooler emptied over your head after you won the big game? I definitely finesse the ratio because they can be really flavorful and I like the threat of the flavor more than the full experience, but do you. Itā€™s worth noting that they also make root beer sticks, and Celsius energy ones, so you can mix them with sparkling water or whatever. Thereā€™s nootropics and vitamins and Iā€™ve seen Margaritaville brand ones if youā€™re into mixology or alchemy, the possibilities are endless. I think these are all bad for you.
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My favorite mode of communication with my besties. A phone call without the phone call. A conversation without having to listen to someone else in real time. A safer, more private way to talk shit. If you arenā€™t volleying voice-memos back and forth between your lovers and friends, I suggest starting now and without warning. If they text you back, send them a voice-memo in response. Eventually, they will cave and start voice-memoing too. If you need an excuse for why you refuse to text, blame carpal tunnel or long press on nails.
Nov 16, 2022
For years I dutifully visited the salon every two weeks to paint and fill long acrylic nails that were difficult to type with, expensive and prone to fungus. Then, COVID hit. I started going to pool parties at my friend Jamie Nelsonā€™s house, saw her luxe red talons, impervious to salon closures, and learned the secret: press on nails. They look like a full set but are cheap, long lasting, easy to apply and easy to remove when you want to do human things like type your novel or pick up a penny. Iā€™ve tried some fun ones on Etsy but find the best quality nails are made by the brand Kiss and are widely available anywhere basic self-care sundries are sold.
Nov 16, 2022
Itā€™s very easy to be snobby and unkind and anyone who has attended high school knows that being snobby and unkind is often associated with being cool. But being snobby and unkind actually suggests to other people that you are insecure, which isnā€™t a great look. Also, yes life is short but also life is long. On a purely business level, you never know who is going to become famous or powerful in some yearsā€™ time and you canā€™t know if the blush of your fame or power will be short or long lived. For that reason, consider being nice to everyone at least until they give you a legitimate reason to change your tune. Plus, being nice is better for your body and soul. If you find this challenging because youā€™ve spent too much time online, start small. When youā€™re at an in-person event and everyone is standing around ā€œchecking their phonesā€ go ahead and introduce yourself. Extend your hand, make eye contact and say, ā€œHi, Iā€™m (insert your name here).ā€ It may feel awkward at first. And not everyone will be nice back, because theyā€™re insecure. But with practice, youā€™ll no longer care; it will be enough for you, simply to know you did your part by being nice.
Nov 16, 2022