It’s very easy to be snobby and unkind and anyone who has attended high school knows that being snobby and unkind is often associated with being cool. But being snobby and unkind actually suggests to other people that you are insecure, which isn’t a great look. Also, yes life is short but also life is long. On a purely business level, you never know who is going to become famous or powerful in some years’ time and you can’t know if the blush of your fame or power will be short or long lived. For that reason, consider being nice to everyone at least until they give you a legitimate reason to change your tune. Plus, being nice is better for your body and soul. If you find this challenging because you’ve spent too much time online, start small. When you’re at an in-person event and everyone is standing around “checking their phones” go ahead and introduce yourself. Extend your hand, make eye contact and say, “Hi, I’m (insert your name here).” It may feel awkward at first. And not everyone will be nice back, because they’re insecure. But with practice, you’ll no longer care; it will be enough for you, simply to know you did your part by being nice.