i have a folder of screenshots on my phone called “dating app horrors” so there’s quite a few one of the worst ones has to be in response to my somewhat silly prompt saying that i was looking for “rom-coms (romantic communists)” & this man who labeled himself as conservative and had multiple pictures of him with guns liked my profile and said “Hey girl, I want you to turn my bloodline into a breadline” i also met my ex who was a serial cheater on a dating app. scarred for life! delete your dating apps y’all! free yourself!
recommendation image
Feb 23, 2024

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Feb 24, 2024
lucius yup
Feb 24, 2024

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I’ve been on like 5 bumble dates till now and two of them were the worst experiences ever, the other three were ok. I feel like there is a pressure on everyone to find someone, this pressure came upon me thanks to my therapist🥰✌️🥰✌️🥰she said to me, you are going to uni and never been in a relationship wtf is wrong with u🥹❤️🥹❤️ sooo I stumbled upon bumble and other dating apps and my first date was me getting sexually assaulted 😋😭😔🤪🤫💕😬🇺🇸 then somehow I continued going on dates with just girls bc fuck men am I right? and they were just basically a waste of time 😁 now after my fifth and hopefully final date from a dating app, I am officially quitting this. I feel so worthless trying to show myself off by just some lousy pictures and a one liner that says nothing about me. I just want to live on my own and like someone not by how they want to be seen, but how they actually are I feel so ashamed of even being on a dating app sometimes, that I get depressed. I get this feeling that I am superficial and just desperate for attention. I need the validation of someone I don’t even know to feel like I am worth something. Not being loved till now has made me feel like I am worth nothing, that nobody will ever want me or need me. That is why I continue doing this shit and I am stopping TODAY wish me luck😬🥰🚬🥺🤪🚬😬👈🥰🦅😮‍💨
Aug 15, 2024
I’ll be candid here. I hate the dating app. I hate myself when I use the dating app. I hate the cutesy little prompts, I hate MARKETING myself. I hate the people on the dating apps, and I hate myself even more for hating these people, because they’re probably good people just looking for connection just like me. “Just like me.” How disgusting. Just acknowledging that right there fills me up with this acid reflux bile that I can’t shake. The dating app is inherently antisocial. I don’t care that it’s the norm now, that doesn’t magically make it prosocial. You know what else is a norm right now? Mass insemination of cattle via automated semen guns shooting frozen seed into these poor cows that have never seen the light of day, that can’t begin to fathom the complex constructed around shooting frozen seed into their cow uteruses so they can give birth to calves that they will never nurse. Taking those calves & chaining them to the ground from the moment they’re born so their meat is tender when they are turned into veal. 20 years ago the idea of meeting people on the internet was rightfully scorned as the pursuit of perverts & malcontents. The ”match” system, trying to offload the pain of rejection to this incredibly diffuse open market where you only get feedback if it’s positive. It’s all so cowardly. Christ, theyre selling us an analgesic for our cowardice. And I don’t know, I think if you’re going to pursue someone, really go after them, you have to abandon your pride, your shame, and the things that turn you yellow. Yeah yeah you start talking and dating and then eventually you have to do the actually important and courageous thing and open yourself up to someone else or whatever. Don’t care, the set-up bothers me on a spiritual level. So anyway, I just got back on the apps this week. I really think it’s gonna go down different this time.
Feb 27, 2025
Everyone disappoints me in ways unimaginable. I’m honestly aghast and disturbed by the men I have encountered on these godforsaken apps. And the worst part of it all is that now I’m spiraling about the concept of true love, family, and motherhood. What a wonderful way to end my work week. The moral of the story is listen to what everyone tells you: just stop using the apps. It’s never going to work.
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im still going!
Mar 22, 2024
i keep finding myself feeling embarrassed when i post a lot on this app, but im having fun!!! and the genuineness of humans in this weird little online community is filling such a void in me that began to stop believing that people really are Good and Kind. in other words, i’m grateful for everyone here and i’m going to keep flooding this silly little app with my silly little words
Feb 20, 2024
this does sound like spring 2022!
Mar 21, 2024