But as of now:
- wake up at 5, get dressed and cleaned up, brew some black coffee and head to the nearby mosque for the morning prayer.
- hang out there for about an hour and a half reading the Quran, practicing mindfulness, meditating and just taking in the morning in quietude.
- head out, stop by my gallery or a coffee shop to do some work for a few hours.
- leave and hit the calisthenics park by the beach for an outdoor workout
- by now I am sincerely exhausted and starving so I head home, take a shower then a much needed 30-40 minute nap. by now it’s probably 10:30.
- make breakfast (my favorite part.) which consists of firstly a bowl of fruit to break my fast. 3 dates, 1 banana, some blueberries, and a passionfruit. I have that first, then I start on breakfast which is usually 3 eggs, some ground beef, sauerkraut, a cucumber, avocado, and arugula, maybe some homemade bread! have lots of water with it , then brew another cup of coffee, which is when my day officially begins!
Please note this is me on a good day lol but thankfully have been pretty consistent as of late!