Getting outside with others is really great - are there any community or volunteer gardens near you? Older folks who could use a hand? Getting out and about, meeting new folks, and seeing things grow have done me a lot of good!
Apr 6, 2024

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Join your community garden! Go to local events! Continue to show up even if you feel kinda awkward in the beginning! Get involved in your neighborhood in some way and I promise it’ll change your life for the better. Even if it’s just for the random convos you get to have when you run into someone on the street that you’ve met before or gaining a local friend that can water your plants or pick up packages while you’re away, it feels good to feel like you’re a part of something bigger than yourself.
Dec 22, 2024
it’s weird, but my mom has told me about this senior bingo night that she’s started going to. she looks forward to it and tells me how fun it is to hang out with them. i feel like joining a chess club or knitting circle or fucking bridge group would have been so fun as a younger person. it doesn’t really matter the age of the people as long as you’re embraced and cherished in some way. is there any forum for you to look for local clubs? also the gym. also volunteering???? it’s actually the best kept secret that folks who volunteer are compulsorily interesting. but western society is so individualist, i understand entirely that it can feel like beside school, there’s no place for you in the world. i truly hope you find somewhere that people appreciate your presence.
Sep 28, 2024
i've found that volunteering can be a really wonderful way to find community and make a positive change and you can choose an issue that you're passionate about - i know that some organizations have age requirements but there are a lot that don't!
Sep 28, 2024

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Upper East Side. He shouted “I thought it was a Tuesday” on a Wednesday into a flip phone in the early 2000s. He sounded just like he does in the movies 💕
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Harpo is very sweet and loves all people but is very particular about dogs and always wants to be the center of attention. He listens perfectly if treats are involved but otherwise is not very interested in what we want. He was found wandering the streets of Bakersfield (we decided he was too small to be named Buck) and now he is a bougie Silver Lake pup and has his own set of friends and admirers in the neighborhood. Laemmle was found crying in a hole all alone on a cold and rainy night Just outside of LA’s Chinatown. When she was a baby she was a demon about any food, especially butter, but now she is perfect and sweet and loves to sit in your lap in purr. She kills and eats bugs so we never have to worry about them. (Lem-lee)
Apr 6, 2024
This is annoying advice but love has always come to me when I’m not looking for it. When I get very active in things I’m passionate about (usually leftie organizing but also art and history stuff and also just spending time with friends a la the friends of friends rec) I meet new people and find interesting, aligned folks.
Apr 5, 2024