i do this every once in a while. especially when i feel a sudden sense of impending doom or overwhelming responsibility. or when i just feel like i need to hear/see less information. and maybe have an extra certain degree of choice in what im being exposed to on a daily. just less noise in life. feels great to detach from it all sometimes. find myself asking the question, “how are you?” out of genuine curiosity rather than obligatory small talk. it’s scary how much we can end up relying on social media to give us a false sense of personal connection with others. excluding this app ofc. bc it doesn’t make me feel like my brain is rotting.
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Apr 16, 2024

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Lately, I have found much less of a calling to be on social media. I don't know a time where I checked my socials and walked away feeling happier. Do you? I have to be on my phone a fair amount due to work but I catch myself automatically clicking into apps out of boredom and I'm trying to stop that behaviour. I see the good in social media, the ability to stay connected to friends and be in-the-know on everything-- I think the whole point is that you feel left out when you're not on it.. so you're sucked in constantly. But that's not reality. I could disassociate for hours online and look up to the world around me and think, where the hell was I? I don't want to feel like a bystander watching other people's lives for a solid chunk of my day. Engaging more in the real world is a priority for me at this time in my life. 
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about two weeks ago, i deleted all social media from my phone. tiktok, instagram & facebook. i truly think this was one of the best decisions i made. i find myself living my days a little less stressed and i find myself engaging in the world more. my biggest fear before deleting the apps was that i would be completely out of touch with the world. i did feel like that for the first week, but after the 'detox' i felt better. i still stay in touch with news, i use Reuters and NPR to stay up to date as they are pretty unbiased compared to other news outlets. often i go to a site called allsides where i can see how the news is being reported across the spectrum. every so often, i'll open instagram on my browser for a little bit and can really only stay on there for like 5 minutes. i no longer see the appeal and quite frankly it stresses me out to be on there. i am not ignorant to the things going on in the world, i have just found joy in finding out about things in a different way. i have linked the allsides website to this post, i think it's worth looking at because it is really interesting to see how different outlets report things.
I recently deleted all social media apps(except for Perfectly Imperfect, duh) and it's like night-and-day. Why do I need to know about everything happening in the world? Why do I need to allow the algorithm to rile me up about things that I have zero control over? Last night I wrapped presents and listened to 1930s jazz and read a book instead.
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“self-worth becomes a hostage to professional accolades and achievement” … “Focusing on someone outside their career encourages a culture where people feel valued for who they are, not just what they do” what are your thoughts? i agree to a certain extent. it depends on the delivery of the question as well. most of the time you can tell if someone is genuinely interested in who you are as a person. asking about somebody’s job can provide a lot of insight into a person’s interests and general character - i think it’s fine for your job to be an aspect of your identity. i could also tangent into why capitalism may have an influence on why this question is asked so frequently.. i do find myself struggling with gauging the intentions behind this question sometimes; which often makes me less emotionally open and usually filters a potential friendship into a professional/transactional relationship immediately.
Feb 5, 2024
been doing this more in my everyday life. respectfully ofc. some things i’ve received/am receiving recently from simply asking for it 🤭: - free cocktail! - free ride (i don’t drive) - awesome music reccs - pretty styling pieces for a potential future shoot :) - the beginnings of a fun and crafty project - beautiful bloomers - new friends to hang with grateful for the people who are so giving. makes me want to pay the deed forward. and i do.
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letting go of the past. letting go of unrealistic expectations. letting go of your ego. letting go of the wounds you still hold. release and create space in your heart and mind and soul to allow healing and love into ur lifeeee :)
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